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LolaRose Newell and family

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11/14/19 Thursday night at around 8pm, my siblings were all ready for bed. The youngest was with my mom in her bed and the other 3 boys were with my step dad in the front room, Lola was laying in bed watching Netflix. When what sounded like a freight train coming down the street, a truck went straight through, the side of the house which happens to be Lolas room and the dining room. It had struck Lola going 70 miles per hour. Our 12 year old brother had to dig her out of the debris and carry her out of the house to where she was rushed in the ambulance to the hospital, putting her in the ICU. All the kids has to be evacuated because they were afraid the truck was going to explode or the house was going to concave. Lola is 8 years old, and loves to sing and dance and do her makeup. She has a lot of physical therapy ahead of her, she is going to have to wear a back brace for a while. But she's so strong and beautiful. We're asking for donations, no matter the amount! To help with the house, and to buy Lola new stuff, since almost everything of hers was destroyed. Everyone is staying in a hotel until they find out what's going to be happening with the house, so donations will go towards stuff for Lola, hotels, medical bills, any fees associated with this hardship. Anything and everything helps. Thank you so much for supporting us through this hard time.


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    • $50
    • 5 yrs


Isabelle Bearce
Belton, MO

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