London Marathon Dressed as a BRAIN World Records
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Welcome to Isaac's London Marathon fundraising page in aid of mental health
Isaac is looking to raise the bar of his marathon attempt by becoming the first person to run the official London Marathon dressed in a brain costume and potentially a second world record for the fastest marathon dressed as a three-dimensional human body part [male]. Both will be official Guinness World Records hopefully in one attempt if all goes well. Thanking Simon Pay of Heath Mount School for the design of the costume.
Isaac is doing this world record to raise awareness for everyone to speak out about their mental health issues by sharing what is inside their minds (brain) to remove the weight from their lives. This event is timely as it runs in parallel with “Stress Awareness Month” which has been held every April since 1992 to increase public awareness of the causes, signs and coping strategies for stress. Isaac will be raising funds for the mental health charity which he is a trustee called Mind In Mid Herts.
Date of London Marathon - 23rd April 2023
Location - London
WHY Mental Health?
From Isaac "I have anxiety and in my western culture, it is seen still as a sign of weakness and something to be ashamed of. We are also seen as people who aren’t able to make decisions and are stigmatised. I was like most people who believed anxiety is not a real medical illness and that people with anxiety could snap out of it if they wanted to. Due to this, I didn’t look for support for fear of being seen as weak and my condition developed I would think that many macho men still see mental health struggles as a personal issue and a lack of personal fortitude.
Because of that, and the stigma that still exists surrounding mental illness (not to mention, the pressure on men to always be strong), a lot of men struggle with admitting they may need help. This toxic masculinity often reduces the chances of men embracing healthy coping resources, they may turn to alcohol and other drugs as a way to numb the pain.
No one is immune to stress. Talking with others about how it is affecting you can foster empathy, camaraderie, and support and we need people to realize that these are medical problems, that there are good treatments available, and that there is hope involved.
Sometimes reducing stigma means being willing to talk about the times we’ve needed to ask for help ourselves."
Why Mind in Mid Herts (MiMH) as the CAUSE?
Isaac has suffered from anxiety and panic disorder for much of his adult life and the mental health charity MiMH has always been there for him if he needed it and he is also a trustee of MiMH too.
What will your money do?
From MiMH website
"1 in 4 people are going through a mental health problem every year and although we are currently reaching over 2500 people, we are not reaching everyone who needs our support, especially now during Covid 19. With your help, we can make a big difference to the lives of local people experiencing mental ill-health in Hertfordshire."
How MiMH spends donations:
£30 - helps with the understanding of mental health amongst the general public via public awareness work
£120 enables 2 young people to attend a confidence-building course
£360 could pay for a tutor to deliver a 6-week course such as ‘Managing Depression’ for up to 16 people
£500 could pay for 50 hours of peer group support to reduce someone experiencing social isolation
£1,000 could pay for a café group to be run once a week for a year to support people with a range of mental health problems
Where can you follow the event?
Isaac will be updating this page as well as his website page and social media accounts on how the training is going. Give him a follow on social media for LIVE updates :)
Instagram - @isaac_kenyon
Facebook - Isaac Kenyon
Twitter - @kenyon_isaac
TikTok - @Isaac Kenyon
Thank you for being part of our campaign in supporting those with mental health :)
Isaac Kenyon