Long Live Daddy Pete Second Annual Celebration
A federal report revealed that just last year the number of unhoused people in California rose 7%. In raw numbers that translates to roughly 10,300 more community members on the street – a dismal reality considering California already leads the nation in homelessness.
Though these statistics are terrifying and frankly disgusting, that doesn’t mean we still can’t do our part. If you have not yet contributed to the unhoused this year, here is your chance!
This year, I’ve teamed up with SHARE Community to host the Second Annual Long Live Daddy Pete Memorial Celebration. This event will be dedicated to feeding and helping the unhoused and ALL proceeds will go toward the cause.
Last year one hundred and thirty-five meals were served, twenty-two folks showered, eighty-five people received brand new winter clothes thanks to LavaMaex, over fifty brand new or gently used outfits were given (complete with gloves, underwear, socks, and shoes). Folks who wanted acupuncture received COVID-friendly earbud treatment from Heaven & Earth Acupuncture.
This year we plan to repeat and expand. The event will take place on November 12, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. in Antioch, California. In honor of keeping my beloved father’s legacy alive, together we will pour love into others and honor his life with a day of positivity, wellness, and
giving back.
With this year’s partnership, all of your donations are tax-deductible through SHARE Community, a certified 501c3 non-profit.
Please share, repost, and donate, because when you give back to your community, we all become stronger. In the wise words of Daddy Pete “Love is the Answer.”
And remember some of Daddy Pete's Wisdom to Live By:
"It's never the wrong time to do the right thing." - Daddy Pete
"See the good and bad, but focus on the good in others." - Daddy Pete
"Always judge others on their best qualities." - Daddy Pete
"Be careful what you laugh at, Yahweh has a sense of humor, and the same thing can one day make you cry." - Daddy Pete
"Be kind, because it's the way you should be." - Daddy Pete
"All Power to the people!"- Daddy Pete
No matter the circumstances of his life, Peter was always quick to kindness, steadfast to his word, and prone to looking on the bright side. His life philosophy was an inspiration and model for those that knew him. In honor of his incredibly altruistic spirit, this event seeks to
uplift the unhoused community with which he shared the last part of his life.
Sometimes people make decisions that others may not agree with nor may they understand, that's okay. Some things are just not for everyone to understand or agree with. That does not, however, mean that we shouldn't help those people when we can. Understanding that this help may look more like momentary reprieves rather than radical transformations, helps to contextualize and respect the lives of others.
Yet, it is these very small acts of kindness and generosity that in the aggregate create incremental transformations.