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A lawsuit is irrelevant at this moment in time. You need to be stable to sue people. I can’t be paying $1100 a week for hotels, working and making low grade $, and stack at the same time to save for a house. No lawsuit $$ is coming tomorrow or this week. This is NOW
I had just gotten off work from Amazon. 615 in the morning. The bus passes. I look straight ahead and see the lights of the car shining on me. And so I look left and then look right. The driver did the same. He must have stared at me for a minute or so. So I stepped into the street. He was going to turn right (which wouldn’t have affected me) but chose to turn left down Salina at the last minute. Impact was here. And I had no other choice but to get hit. Wearing my Birkenstocks, I had a thought before work ended that I shouldn’t change my boots. And what did I do? Change my boots. I got a text from a friend before being hit. I was so excited to see them. I hadn’t seen them in so long. And then I found out my friend that I had just met in August died 5 days after I got hit. I saw her the day I got hit. But I didn’t know she died until February 14 2024. She died October 9 2023.
I am not saying I want to give up. I’m just saying that God has saved me more than once. I fell out of a 3rd story window at 2 years old and now this. I have an unbelievable life story. Sad. But real. Authentic. Uncut.
My struggle with PTSD made it that much harder to get on my feet. I had no clue what to do. Not on drugs, just lost.
I had experienced situations in my past where my life took a downturn. 2021-2023 were some of the hardest years ever experienced. And despite rumors of drug use I had cocaine 11/2023 one time and 1/2023. Anything before that was a suffering that contributed to my innate ability to remove myself from that lifestyle. It didn’t suit me. People never had money if they used cocaine. They might have had a fake happiness. And I didn’t like that. I didn’t like that I wasn’t in my right mind. Sense of judgement was off and more. So I left it alone. November was one of those moments I thought to myself let’s test our strength. And I did try it. Felt nothing. And haven’t had a desire to do anything but smoke weed since. I can remove those from my life too. You can do anything you put your mind and heart into. I love the sober life. Have an affinity for physical fitness etc. it’s just me having to get back to being myself. Which is someone who doesn’t use vices to cope
It hurt that people had me confused as someone that would be a detriment to their house even if I did need a place to stay. I have nice things of my own. I have no use for yours. Therefore your personal belongings and anything else belonging to you would be untouched. And if you were a female, I would never have disrespected our friendship and take your man when you’re giving me a place to stay. And vice versa.
And then the shelters. Awful places. I was in the rescue mission in July 2023. A girl started shit with me and I had to beat her ass. Then I stayed at the Salvation Army shelter 12/23-2/24. That was awful. Got assaulted there. No help. Not from SPD or anyone. The girl that was there started it. And still they never did background checks in the first place on people staying in these places. So I have no background and have to be subject to this nonsense.
I am on the books with 8 agencies that travel to different nursing homes. And they play with my hours so often. With nothing to do but wait until I have enough money. One of them being $30 an hour 45 minutes away from Syracuse. And the one thing is my license. I have $400 speeding ticket to pay. And a 653 credit score. And so many of these places were so rude to me when I was looking for a house. Judging me because people were going around saying I was escorting. Leave the past in the past and mind your own business. Stop spreading lies
And I started to ignore those people. They didn’t mean me any good if they felt like they can damage my reputation by judging. But you applaud only fans and strippers right? I’ve done nothing short of be in fight or flight mode and make moves out of desperation because of societal views. And now there’s no excuse. You can either help or hinder. And I choose to help. And ask for help. And be open to receiving it just the same.
✍️ How $ will be used: paid directly to a landlord. No matter how much $$ it is, it’s enough for me to not have to walk 6 miles to work or do any of the hard physical work on my body even more than I have to.

ElAundra Nasser
Syracuse, NY