Loose Skin Removal for Kayla
Hi, my name is Kayla and I appreciate your taking the time to read this.
I recently posted a story about my massive weight loss on my Imgur account in October
( https://imgur.com/gallery/QBlIh ) and got a massive outpouring of support, but mostly lots of questions.
The one question that kept coming up was about the loose skin after my 193 lb weight loss after 2 years.
It took me a couple of months to post, but finally I got up the courage to post pictures of the results of my massive weight loss: my loose skin. The post blew up and I started getting covered by all kinds of news outlets ( http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/woman-reveals-the-honest-truth-about-losing-a-lot-of-weight-in-startling-photos_uk_58622c52e4b0f24da6e7bc8d?#comments
) and ( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4068244/Woman-dropped-193lbs-shares-brutally-honest-photos.html )
As a result of the coverage, I was encouraged by friends and strangers alike to create a GoFundMe page to help with some of the costs of getting the skin removed. To be frank, I was hesitant. I have been to 3 different consultations in and around central Florida and the best estimate I could come up with would be around 20,000 dollars for the procedures I need as well as medications and bills after the initial surgery.
This is not strictly cosmetic. It takes a lot of time and extra care to take care of the extra skin. I have to use special products to keep it dry and make sure it's cared for or it causes infections. The most prominent being an abscess that had grown and landed me in the ER on I.V antibiotics for 3 days. It also causes lower back problem and shifts my center of gravity which alters which types of exercises I am able to perform.
I was raised to work hard for your own things and never beg or ask for help which is why I am so hesitant to set up this effort. However, I have worked so hard to come to the point I am at now with my weight loss and would like to see myself get to the finish line.
Thank you again for your time and consideration!