Lorena's Stroke Recovery & Rehabilitation
Donation protected
July 7 2020 -
Hello everyone, My name is Arnold and I am Lorena's youngest of four children. Recently my mother, Lorena had suffered a stroke and is in the process of convalescing. Currently the stroke is affecting her train of thought, her speech, her right arm and leg's motor functions, her balance and emotional health.
Unfortunately she did not have health insurance when her stroke occurred and as of now she will not be covered by any gov programs but we are currently making progress on trying to get her covered by MediCal or if they still deny her claim, another form of insurance or private institution for her rehabilitation. If her current and future expenses get fully covered by MediCal I intent on returning any money raised back to the donors.
This gofundme was originally started by my brother Jovanni, but due to stress he is unable to be involved anymore so I volunteered to start a new one, continue to work my regular job as an independent contractor, and help my mother with at home rehab exercises, medication, food, living expenses etc. Any money that was raised by the previous gofundme my brother made was used to pay for medical expenses that were accumulated when she was in the hospital as well as other medical expenses the occurred outside the hospital.(read down below)
This fundraiser's goal is still for those very same purposes with no increase to the original gofundme's goal but an addition of buying a used car(I'm a mechanic by trade so repairs and preventative maintenance will not be a problem to handle when they inevitably arise) get her to and from doctor appointments, rehabilitation once we find an economically feasible option, and any other medical expenses that she still already has or will accumulate in the next coming months. I want to be as transparent as possible with any who donates by posting monthly screenshots of the bank statements linked to this fundraiser, receipts of any expenses paid with money raised by this.
⚠️The rest of this will be a copy and paste of the original gofundme my brother started along with the updates he put. Thank you everyone and God bless.
June 14 2020 -
Hello friends and family,
As some of you might have heard from facebook, my mother recently suffered a pretty bad stroke she has had heart related issues from the time she was young. Her condition over time has become more severe. Please I am asking all of you who can and would like to donate to please donate whatever you can. Any amount helps, my mother is currently uninsured because she does not qualify for government insurance andcannot afford private insurance as many other people out there. Whatever is raised from this GoFundMe will go twards her medical Bill's including but not limited to surgery, speech therapy, and rehabilitation therapy along with any other Bill's associated with this medical emergency thank you all so much in advance.
June 16 2020 -
Hello all my mother is still in the stroke unit shes definitely not her old self she can talk- mumble some words for a couple seconds but it drains her.she is uninsured and the doctor and nurses say she will need a skilled nursing facility or in home care from a nurse ,physical therapy ,speach therapy etc. I appreciate all the help I can get my mother please if you cannot donate at this time please dont like the posts about the go fund me please just share it you never know who might have a dollar to spare to help her with these medical expenses I am doing all I can to get her insured but the covered California systems have been down since the weekend .thank you all and god bless
JUNE 21, 2020 -
hello all thank you so much for those who were able to donate and offer prayer and good thoughts I just wanted to add a quick update moms been discharged the hospital did a pretty lousy job of making sure she would be ok after discharge she was discharged with no medication to manage her blood pressure and or her cholesterol etc. and the discharge happened on a weekend so no pharmacy open her blood pressure shot up and we were worried she would have another stroke but thank god she didn't. thankfully she is being relocated to a one story home at my grandmother's where I can care for her better and not worry so much about the stairs. the doctors refused to sign her disability paperwork so we can't get her disability and refused to sign my fmla forms so now even more financial battles ahead as I'm going to be going some time away from work with no pay and my mother will have no choice but to do the same as well . so I urge you at this time if you can help I'd really appreciate because now with this added complication I am unable to financially support her in any way I spent a pretty large chunk of her money on her wheel chair, walker ,bedside commode, bed pads high quality shower chair ramp for the wheel chair,gait belt etc . most of the funds are depleted due to the ramp and other gear so at this point there isnt any money left for insurance premiums and she is still uninsured for a skilled nursing facility or rehab.
June 28 2020 -
hello friends so mom is still in pretty bad shape needs 24hr care she is still in the pending process of getting accepted for mediCal there are missing documents needed to get it and covid-19 is making it really hard to get the documents in a timely manner some of this go fund me money has gone toward medical equipment and also her necessities and as the days have past we are seeing lots of financial hurdles pile up I am at the point where I can no longer ask you guys to do more to help us I am begging you to please help us my mother also has not been approved for disability yet so she has no income and I unfortunately dont have the funds to support her myself again I am really embarrassed to have to ask for more help and beg for donations but I dont have much else of a choice .
Hello everyone, My name is Arnold and I am Lorena's youngest of four children. Recently my mother, Lorena had suffered a stroke and is in the process of convalescing. Currently the stroke is affecting her train of thought, her speech, her right arm and leg's motor functions, her balance and emotional health.
Unfortunately she did not have health insurance when her stroke occurred and as of now she will not be covered by any gov programs but we are currently making progress on trying to get her covered by MediCal or if they still deny her claim, another form of insurance or private institution for her rehabilitation. If her current and future expenses get fully covered by MediCal I intent on returning any money raised back to the donors.
This gofundme was originally started by my brother Jovanni, but due to stress he is unable to be involved anymore so I volunteered to start a new one, continue to work my regular job as an independent contractor, and help my mother with at home rehab exercises, medication, food, living expenses etc. Any money that was raised by the previous gofundme my brother made was used to pay for medical expenses that were accumulated when she was in the hospital as well as other medical expenses the occurred outside the hospital.(read down below)
This fundraiser's goal is still for those very same purposes with no increase to the original gofundme's goal but an addition of buying a used car(I'm a mechanic by trade so repairs and preventative maintenance will not be a problem to handle when they inevitably arise) get her to and from doctor appointments, rehabilitation once we find an economically feasible option, and any other medical expenses that she still already has or will accumulate in the next coming months. I want to be as transparent as possible with any who donates by posting monthly screenshots of the bank statements linked to this fundraiser, receipts of any expenses paid with money raised by this.
⚠️The rest of this will be a copy and paste of the original gofundme my brother started along with the updates he put. Thank you everyone and God bless.
June 14 2020 -
Hello friends and family,
As some of you might have heard from facebook, my mother recently suffered a pretty bad stroke she has had heart related issues from the time she was young. Her condition over time has become more severe. Please I am asking all of you who can and would like to donate to please donate whatever you can. Any amount helps, my mother is currently uninsured because she does not qualify for government insurance andcannot afford private insurance as many other people out there. Whatever is raised from this GoFundMe will go twards her medical Bill's including but not limited to surgery, speech therapy, and rehabilitation therapy along with any other Bill's associated with this medical emergency thank you all so much in advance.
June 16 2020 -
Hello all my mother is still in the stroke unit shes definitely not her old self she can talk- mumble some words for a couple seconds but it drains her.she is uninsured and the doctor and nurses say she will need a skilled nursing facility or in home care from a nurse ,physical therapy ,speach therapy etc. I appreciate all the help I can get my mother please if you cannot donate at this time please dont like the posts about the go fund me please just share it you never know who might have a dollar to spare to help her with these medical expenses I am doing all I can to get her insured but the covered California systems have been down since the weekend .thank you all and god bless
JUNE 21, 2020 -
hello all thank you so much for those who were able to donate and offer prayer and good thoughts I just wanted to add a quick update moms been discharged the hospital did a pretty lousy job of making sure she would be ok after discharge she was discharged with no medication to manage her blood pressure and or her cholesterol etc. and the discharge happened on a weekend so no pharmacy open her blood pressure shot up and we were worried she would have another stroke but thank god she didn't. thankfully she is being relocated to a one story home at my grandmother's where I can care for her better and not worry so much about the stairs. the doctors refused to sign her disability paperwork so we can't get her disability and refused to sign my fmla forms so now even more financial battles ahead as I'm going to be going some time away from work with no pay and my mother will have no choice but to do the same as well . so I urge you at this time if you can help I'd really appreciate because now with this added complication I am unable to financially support her in any way I spent a pretty large chunk of her money on her wheel chair, walker ,bedside commode, bed pads high quality shower chair ramp for the wheel chair,gait belt etc . most of the funds are depleted due to the ramp and other gear so at this point there isnt any money left for insurance premiums and she is still uninsured for a skilled nursing facility or rehab.
June 28 2020 -
hello friends so mom is still in pretty bad shape needs 24hr care she is still in the pending process of getting accepted for mediCal there are missing documents needed to get it and covid-19 is making it really hard to get the documents in a timely manner some of this go fund me money has gone toward medical equipment and also her necessities and as the days have past we are seeing lots of financial hurdles pile up I am at the point where I can no longer ask you guys to do more to help us I am begging you to please help us my mother also has not been approved for disability yet so she has no income and I unfortunately dont have the funds to support her myself again I am really embarrassed to have to ask for more help and beg for donations but I dont have much else of a choice .
Arnold Nickatina
San Rafael, CA