Lori weaver
Hi, my name is Tiffany, I am the daughter of lori weaver! I am setting up this account to help pay my moms bills while in the hospital and recovering. I don’t know how much she is going to need but anything helps and is greatly appreciated! All money is linked to an account just for my mother! As of now, most of y’all know my mom is in the hospital with covid & pneumonia. My mom also has other Heath issues that are being affected by covid and vise versa. She has been told she will remain there for a Minimum of 3 to 5 weeks. The goal is to set her up so when she gets out she doesn’t have to stress about paying for anything. We are asking for help & we all know my mom is always doing for others and she never asks for anything for herself. So if anyone would like to help her this would be the best way. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this!
Mom is now resting peacefully in heaven, I know she’s dancing in the streets of gold!! She will forever be missed!