Loro represents Brazil at Mardi Gras Film Festival
Donation protected
I'm Loro Bardot, actor and co-star of the movie "Levante" (Power Alley). I've been trying to fund this trip from Perth to Sydney to represent Brazil at the Australian national premiere of the movie at Mardi Gras Film Festival. The festival is going to pay for my stay there, but not for the tickets. So as I'm desperate to go, and I think its important to represent Brazil there, I come here asking for donations of film lovers to buy the tickets for me to go. It's a personal quest on a international mission. The goal is 1,000 AUD for the round trip, Im gonna keep working to cover the other expenses, but without the tickets its impossible. Thanks for reading, any donation its a save!
- Loro
Loro Bardot
Kiara, WA