Love & Support for Herb Schiller
February 1, 2017 Herb Schiller was diagnosed with acute leukemia and immediately sent to U of M.
A bone marrow biopsy confirmed Acute Myeloid Leukemia and chemotherapy was started. On March 6, 2017 his bone marrow biopsy noted no evidence of leukemia.
Herb completed 4 rounds of consolidation chemotherapy, then followed up every three months with U of M specialists.
In March of 2019 his blood work that was sent out started showing signs of cancer relapse.
His course was further complicated by the diagnosis of prostate cancer which he completed radiation for.
Devastatingly, October 29, 2020 a bone marrow biopsy was positive for cancer relapse.
Herb was admitted on November 13, 2020 for chemotherapy and continuing his fight with the goal of remission and awaiting a bone marrow transplant. Therefore he will unfortunately be spending the holidays away from his family.
Our goal is to raise money for all of the little expenses that turn into big expenses. For example; gas, food, and hotels for the family members who will be constantly traveling for the next three months and through the holidays.
And also the big expenses such as living costs for a hotel/apartment for Herb and Jan in Ann Arbor. Herb will be required to stay close to the hospital for three months after his bone marrow transplant.