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Love and Support for a friend

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Hello to any and all that may be reading this. I am creating this account to help a very good friend, peer, coworker, father and man.  Mr. Ron Sagendorf

My name is Keith McDermott and Ron is a co-worker and friend. We met by working together at So Cal Edison and became friends instantly. 

Recently he and his family lost their home and all their possesions in the Santa Clarita fire.  Ron is a hard working man and a committed father. I know as a father this has to very difficult and heart wrenching. We take great pride in providing for our families. But there are times when we rely on family and friends for support.
This is one of those times.

Any donation will go 100% to Ron and his family for clothes, food, toiletries and the chance to rebuild and restock their home.  Ron and his familt have currently been living in a hotel and he has even gone back to work to try and get back to normal.

ANYTHING will help and be a blessing. By donating and supporting you will be helping to bring hope and joy to a family on the holidays. 

Thank you in advance for your support, love, prayers and most of all kindness.
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  • Anonyme
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Keith McDermott
Highland, CA
Ron Sagendorf

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