Love and Support for the Fuentes Family
Queridos familiares y amigos se que son tiempos difíciles donde la gran tristeza invade nuestros corazones, si desean colaborar a nuestro querido héroe “ ISRAEL” y a su hermosa esposa Sarah y a su querida princesa Belen, se les agradece de corazón si granito de arena que expresa el gran amor que le tenemos mil gracias a todos por su colaboración y su amor sincero Dios les pague y les bendiga a todos.
Dear family and friends, I know that these are difficult times we are in great sadness that invades our hearts. if you wish to collaborate with our beloved hero "ISRAEL" his beautiful wife Sarah and his beloved princess Belen. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your grain of sand that expresses the gratitud and love. thank you all for your collaboration. God bless you all.