Laurie Weber Legacy Fund
Love like Laurie
In late April of 2016, Laurie Weber was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. A battle that lasted 4 years and 4 months, peacefully came to an end on August 8, 2020. At the University of St. Thomas, where her son Blake and I played football together, we were taught important lessons of giving back. Two of the more fundamental ideologies of the UST football program are..
F.A.M.I.L.Y. - Forget About Me I Love You
L.E.G.A.C.Y. - Let Each Generations Accomplishments Continue Yours
These two valuable acronyms, combined with Laurie's embodiment of her "Love You Bigger" approach on life, are the main drivers for this project. The Laurie Weber Legacy Foundation is aimed at helping the next generation of families experiencing a similar battle. John Weber has asked that a $500 scholarship be given to both a male and female senior at Prior Lake High School. This is where both of his two, wonderful kids attended. It has also been a major source of support for the Weber’s over the last few years. The goal is to help students who are impacted by cancer, on a personal or family level, and show them the true Love of Laurie. To further the reach of families impacted by pancreatic cancer specifically, remaining donations will be directed towards programs built for the research of this disease.
A final note. The Weber Family describes this whole experience as tough and full of love. Often times we think of love existing under ‘perfect’ conditions. Yet, rarely do we think about love existing, or even being created in the moments we are most harshly challenged by. In these tough moments, the presence of love is ever so important. The love that Laurie and her family have expressed through this challenging time, is deeply rooted in the understanding of this message. Love will always find those who seek it, even when the world that surrounds us seems too tough to manage. So seek it, create it, and embody it, Laurie certainly did. It was at the center piece of her being. That’s why the Love of Laurie will remain strong with us, forever.
F.A.M.I.L.Y. and L.E.G.A.C.Y.