Love Nevaeh ❤ raising money for neonatal units
Donation protected
I am wanting to help my PT and beautiful friend Hayley to raise money for a cuddle cot which will help families like her's say their final goodbyes to their children by running a number of races in 2022 and those that know me I am NOT a runner so this is going to be a massive challange for me.
- Chester 10k - 13.03.2022 ✅
- Liverpool 10 mile - 27.03.2022 ✅️
- Chester Half Marathon - 15.05.2022 ✅️
- Pretty Mudder - 22.05.2022 ✅️
- Port Sunlight Duel 5k & 10k (both on same day) - 12.06.2022 ✅️ ✅️
- Cheshire Half Marathon- 11.09.2022 ✅️
- Chester Metric Marathon - 02.10.2022 ✅️
- Liverpool Santa Dash - 04.12.2022 ✅️
In 2021 Hayley went through something that no parent should have to endure. Her beautiful little girl Nevaeh was born 15 weeks early, weighing a tiny 1 LB 15oz and touched the heart of everyone who knew Hayley and her family. Little Nevaeh was a strong fighter and overcome the hurdles she faced , however 4 weeks later little Nevaeh died in Hayleys arms.
For those 4 weeks I was in awe how a little girl had so much fight and determination. Her passing made me look to also do something with determination so I signed up for a number of runs in 2022 to help Hayley reach her goal and it is an honour to run in memory of Nevaeh
Any extra money aised will go to Ronald macdonald charity house to support parents who need to stay nearby for their poorly babies or the Tiny stars appeal to provide a bigger unit for very poorly babies in neo natal, which could help home more prem babies and save their lives.
This picture is so special to me as this photo is the ONLY picture I have of my son and daughter together and will be the only one I ever have.
My daughter was born a huge 15 weeks early, born perfect at 25 weeks plus 3 weighing 1 lb 15oz. Put on a ventilator straight away she was whisked off to NICU in a Wirral hospital. In the days that followed neonatal nurses told us how strong our daughter was and how well she was doing. Like all parents in Neo natal we knew there were ups and downs but our beautiful girl was feeding, growing and doing well and after a week or so was transferred into HDU.
After 4 weeks of the occasional ups and downs of having such a prem baby on the 4th Nov, things took a turn for the worse and our lives changed forever. Nevaeh had had the best night prior to that ,coming down on her breathing apparatus and even smiling and was saturating lovely. However her numbers were changing and dipping and her appearance had changed, she no longer looked content and settled yet she had a distended stomach and her cries showed she was in pain. Her test results showed infection and it was clear the doctors were now concerned. She brought back up green mucus and her numbers were dropping.
Few hours later we were told she had NEC. A life threatening condition that would require surgery.
We were sent straight to Alderhey Hospital where the doctors told us she had only 10% survival rate, our little girl was going to die and this was the last time we would see her. She was the sickest baby the surgeon had treated we were told. We held on to every hope and sure enough….
the Surgeons at Alderhey saved her life, she had made it, our little Warrior baby had gone from a lifeless baby with the odd stacked against her to pulling through even opening her eyes hours later.
Our emotions were so high at the prospect she was ok now but we were informed she d need another op to complete the surgery 2 days later.
Again my fighter battled on, the surgeons were thrilled with the success and we were told in few days we d move to a local hospital to recover.
2 days after we sat and waited for her to recover, to get better and to see her open her eyes again. She didn’t, she didn’t hardly move after that surgery and on the early hours of 10/11 my perfect little girl suffered a huge cardiac arrest. We watched as 10 plus people battled to save her life, after resuscitating her for roughly 25 minutes, they managed to get her back.
We had hope again we thought she was going to be ok, yet on inspection the next day her brain was so badly damaged her organs now failing we were told there was nothing we could do.
Our perfect little girl died hours later in my arms with only myself and my husband ever have gotten to see her.
The absolute worst day of our lives and something that will be with us for the rest of our lives. No parent should ever have to go through this ever.
What hurt us so much was having to tell people, to tell my son that his sister was never coming home and he wouldn’t meet her alive.
Like most people im trying to make some good after a horrible situation….
The funds that I am trying to raise are for all the places that cared for Nevaeh and one item this truly awful time that little bit more bearable ,This was a cuddle cot, to some this is a cold sheet that means nothing, To a grieving parent its the cold sheet that allows you to bring your child home. Its that cold sheet that allows the picture above to be taken and some memories to be made that any parent in this situation would cling too. It allowed us to bring our daughter home for a few days and allowed close family to come and meet her. It meant we could have her in a crib beside us for one night before the funeral and my son could meet his sister in his own home, without his final memory of her being placed in the ground.
I hope to use any money donated and raised to buy a cuddle cot for a local hospital that needs one and use any extra money towards supporting Ronald McDonald Charity house that allowed us to live as close as we could to our daughter in her final days alive. Or the Tiny stars appeal to provide a bigger unit for very poorly babies in neo natal, which could help home more prem babies and save their lives.
Plesse Note: Funds will be withdrawn to my personal bank account. The money will be passed to Hayley who is working closely with the hospitals, Ronald McDonald House and the Tiny Stars Appeal and has the contacts to transfer the funds accordingly.
Sally Davies