Hygiene Packs for Las Vegas Homeless
My awesome daughter has had the homeless on her heart since we moved to the Las Vegas area about 6 years ago. She had never seen a homeless person before we moved here. We have helped The Guardian Angel Outreach here and want to do more.
Now her heart has led to action...
Holiday Hygiene Packs for the Homeless in Las Vegas
a Seneca Project
Hey guys, whether you're friends, family or a complete stranger this is for you...
The holidays are coming up and I know for me, they are so special! Unfortunately in Las Vegas there are many people who won't be getting anything at all over the holidays. My goal this December is to raise enough money to make special holiday hygiene packs for the homeless in our city, and give them out during the month of December. If you have any loose change or could donate a few dollars to help get supplies, that would be much appreciated. I want to try and make a difference this Christmas, even if it is just one smile, or a day brightened up a little.
Here is what we are putting in the Holiday Hygiene packs:
* two dollars
*candy cane
*water bottle
*toothbrush and toothpaste
*tampons/pads (for women)
(we will post the names of everyone who donates on a list and post at the end)
If you would rather send a check or supplies instead, please make it payable to Verve Church include in Notes: Seneca's Holiday Hygiene Packs
Send c/o:
Verve Church - Safari Business Park,
7850 Dean Martin Dr #503,
Las Vegas, NV 89139
Photos courtesy of Tim Melnyk with The Guardian Angels Outreach in Las VegasBack in the early days of Verve Church we would go to some of the areas near D street in Las Vegas where there were many homeless souls and an area where they used to refer to as tent city. On Thanksgiving we would set up in a park near by and pass out meals, coats, blankets and supplies.
I'm happy to say, there are so many people serving these communities ON Thanksgiving that they asked us to come other days instead. Over the years Cici, Gary, David, Connie, JoAnn, Jim, Angel and Judy to name a few have created ongoing ministries serving these people weekly.
Seneca, has grown up serving the children of Dean Petersen Elementary, (located in an area of Vegas called Crack Alley) the families in the streets of Las Vegas and the lost in California (getting ready to go on her second mission trip in the spring to the streets of Hollywood, Venice Beach and skid row)
The purpose of these hygiene packets are two fold.
1) to keep in our cars for the many times we encounter those in need at intersections and interstate exits.
2) Take any abundance of supplies to support ministries going out on Christmas day from Lake Mead Christian Academy as well as Guardian Angels Outreach