I am helping and hope you can too. Here is Reagan’s dream in his words. “Our orphanage, the Lubale Children Foundation in Uganda, is building a new orphanage for the children that are under our care. We’ve started construction for the new building but we are limited in our progress because of the expense in renting the orphanage where we are living now. My paintings have been supplementing the cost but sales have drastically slowed because tourists are not coming to my country due to the pandemic and other restrictions. I’m hoping to reach out to friends who can contribute to accelerate construction through this fundraiser. My budget for the foundation is about 15 million shillings, the equivalent of about $5,000 U.S. I know through community fundraising we can make our dream come true and slow down our expenditures for renting and put the money toward the future of the children.”
If you don’t want to support with just cash, consider a purchase of one of Reagan’s beautiful paintings!