Lucas’ Modified Vehicle
Lucas is an 11 year old boy who was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy on the 5th September 2012, 3 days prior to his 5th birthday.
Lucas's diagnosis of Duchenne is a spontaneous case in our family.
We have no family history of this condition!
Duchenne is a very cruel and unrelenting progressive muscle condition, it is the most common and severe genetic disorder diagnosed in childhood and it affects 1:3500 boys.
Those with Duchenne are unable to produce Dystrophin, a protein required for the strength and stability of muscles cells. Without Dystrophin, muscle fibres waste and die.
The ability to walk is typically lost between the ages of 8-12 years old.
By there late teens they loose their upper body strength including the ability to move their arms.
During early adulthood muscles continue to weaken leading to near paralysis.
Breathing muscles weaken requiring the use of cough assist machine and ventilator.
The average life expectancy for those with Duchenne is early to mid 20’s, mainly due to the effects on the heart and lungs.
It is 100% fatal!
In order for Lucas to access the community and lead a quality of life we need to buy a new vehicle which will cater for his powered wheelchair.
We hope that you can support our family by alleviating some of the financial pressure.
Thank you so much.
Mary, Harry & Lucas