Lucas's 1 million steps
I'm Lucas, I am 8 years old and I am attempting to walk 1 million steps to raise money for Vasculitis UK.
1 million of Lucas's steps = 280 miles
From my home in Donaghadee to Cork!
I plan to complete this challenge over the next 37 days, hopefully finishing on Halloween night! But if not I will keep going until I hit the 1 million mark.
I'm raising money in aid of vasculitis UK ( my granda has this rare disease which makes it close to my heart) and every donation will help.
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
More information about vasculitis UK: we support people with Vasculitis including their families and carers, fund research and raised awareness with health professionals.

Michaela Fox
Northern Ireland
vasculitis UK