#LUCYSTRONG - Support Lucy’s Fight!
Lucy Rose Donmoyer is up for the fight of her young life, and Jessica, Jordan and baby Charlotte are ready to fight right along side her. We can help support them on their journey.
On April 23rd, 2020 the Donmoyer family received a diagnosis for 4-year-old Lucy of neuroblastoma, a cancerous tumor at the back of her stomach, spanning from the bottom of her lungs to the top of her pelvis. Despite already spending 10 days in the hospital, having gone through an initial biopsy and starting chemo, Lucy is as bright and shiny as ever. We can help the family keep that light going by assisting the Donmoyers as they face the next year and a half of treatment for Lucy.
The love from the community has been overwhelming. The request to support the family financially has lead us to open this campaign and find an area where we think group funding can have the biggest impact on the family’s needs.
All donations from this campaign will go toward healthcare and medical costs that the family will incur. While we don’t know the full extent of how much total care will cost, we do know that due to the high risk nature of Lucy’s neuroblastoma, portions of medical expenses will not be covered by their health care plan. With Jessica being out of work due to Covid-19, and probably not returning to work full-time to be home with Lucy, we have identified this specific area of need that would help them the most during this time. We will use these funds to cover as much of those costs as possible to ensure Jessica and Jordan can focus all of their love and energy on Lucy and baby Charlotte.
Any funds from this campaign that are not used on the Donmoyer’s healthcare or medical costs will be donated to the Jay Fund, a foundation that supports Jacksonville families affected by pediatric cancer. We want to make sure the Donmoyer’s are covered through this time, and any extra funds will go toward helping other families in Jacksonville dealing with the same life changing diagnosis.
Jessica and Jordan appreciate every penny donated to help sweet Lucy Rose fight this battle. The love and kindness from the community has been amazing and the family thanks you from the bottom of their hearts.