Luis Galban’s Funeral Fund
Donations and Celebration of Life Information —— Donaciones y Información de Celebration de Vida (más detalles abajo)
February 14 from 6pm-9pm
Avenidas Funeral Home
522 E. Western Ave.
Avondale, AZ 85323
The viewing will be continued on February 15 from 9am-11am
The funeral service will be from 11am-1pm
Buckeye First Assembly
23230 MC85
Buckeye, AZ 85326
Immediately after service
Holy Cross Cemetery
9925 W. Thomas Rd.
Avondale, AZ 85392
Fellowship and food to follow after burial at Buckeye First Assembly church.
14 de Febrero; de 6pm-9pm
Avenidas Funeral Home
522 E. Western Ave.
Avondale, AZ 85323
El Velorio será continuado el 15 de Febrero 9am-11am. El servicio empezará a las 11am-1pm
Buckeye First Assembly
23230 MC85
Buckeye, AZ 85326
Cementerio Holy Cross
9925 W. Thomas Rd.
Avondale, AZ 85392
Después del entierro nos ajuntaremos en la iglesia Buckeye First Assembly para una convivencia y comida.
Because some have asked. If you wish to donate towards my fathers funeral cost you may do so here. Thank you we appreciate each and every one of the messages, comments, text, and calls. ♥️
My dad, Luis Galban passed away, February 3. He was a great husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, pastor, and friend. He meant so much to so many people. As many of you know, he had cirrhosis which turned into liver cancer. He fought the great fight, and he finished the race. He left whilst being surrounded by the entire family. We all sang and read to him during his final moments. Thank you to everyone who showed even the smallest act of kindness. He felt so much love from you all.
Porque unos nos han preguntado. Si les gustaría donar asi a el costo del funeral de mi papá lo puede ser aquí. Apreciamos a todos sus mensajes, commentos, textos, y llamadas. ♥️
Mi papa, Luis Galban fallecio, el 3 de Febrero. El fue un gran esposo, padre, abuelo, hermano, tío, pastor, y amigo. El significo mucho para muchas personas. Como muchos saben, mi papa sufrio de cirrosis que se convirtio en cancer del higado. El pelio y gano la buena batalla y acabo la carrera. El se fue rodeado por toda la familia. Le cantamos y le leimos durante sus ultimos momentos. Le agradecemos a todos los que le enseniaron tanto carino. El sintio todo su amor.