Recovery Fund for Luis Viscarra
On July 31, 2016 Luis was involved in a serious accident. He has been admitted to Riverside County Regional Medical Center in ICU room 2230 on the second floor where he is on life support with severe injuries. It has been determined that Luis has three skull fractures, internal bleeding between his brain and skull, he has swelling in his brain, a broken sternum and a punctured lung. His spine is broken in three places, which he will need surgery using metal rods to reconstruct his spine. He has lost feeling from his chest down and may never walk again. If his brain swelling subsides he may be able to use his arms to get around in a wheelchair, and if not he will be quadriplegic. This is all we know for now but there is more to be discovered.
Luis is 21 and he was a provider for his disabled mother and his sibblings. We have high hopes that Luis will make a fast recovery. Please keep Luis and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate any assistance you can offer towards his medical expenses and to help his family in his absence.