Lumen Amputation Surgery
Lumen needs to have one of her “toes” removed and we need to raise $4500 for her surgery scheduled for 6/21.
When she had the bone infection at the end of last year, during diagnostics, the team at OSU discovered that the toe which she had eaten the nail off of, was a mangled mess of broken bones inside which has been causing her pain.
She has been on a long course of antibiotics and pain medications to prepare her for surgery.
Unfortunately, the only option is to amputate the toe. We know doing any surgery with Lumen is a big deal and that she has always had complications in the past. We have taken our time to decide if this is the best course of action for Lumen and unfortunately we know this is the only option to get her out of pain. We promised to always try everything to give her her best chance
For those of you new to Lumens story:
Hi, my name is Lumen! I am a special needs Great Dane. I was born deaf and with severe deformities to my feet and legs and abandoned in a box in Tijuana Mexico at four weeks old. When my humans first brought me home, there wasn't a lot of hope. The specialists said I would wear through my feet before I was six months old and advised euthanizing me. But my humans were determined to give me my best shot!
I had a few surgeries done at Oregon State University so I would be able to walk. We have gone through countless orthotics with Bionic Pets, but my weird deformities make it very difficult for the prosthetics to fit/work. We have tried many avenues like hydrotherapy, acupuncture and finally found something that was game changing...cold laser therapy! After seeing how much this helped me, the humans decided to rent then purchase our own machine for at home! This helped me finally get out of bandages! It was a miracle!!
I have a very special vet who has helped me with the ulcers and infections in my feet, bandage changes, medications and so on. Despite everything, I have an awesome life and am one of the happiest dogs you will ever meet! I LOVE life! Contrary to what we were told, I am now 4 years old and thriving! I have been featured on the Dodo three times, and been on commercials for Verizon wireless and Big Barker beds. I'm not sure why people are so interested in me...I am just living my best life with a whole lot of help from a lot of rad humans! But it sure does help cover all of the extreme medical costs...yeah, I'm an expensive lady ;) but worth it! If you can help by donating to my gofundme, these funds help cover my medical expenses and maintain my regular medications that keep me comfortable. You can learn more about me and follow my super awesome journey on Instagram @lovecommalumen
Love, Lumen
& humans