Lush Bazaar was burglarized
Donation protected

On June 15th I got a call, a call I never thought I would get. My workspace and office in India was burglarized, and we lost more than $4,000 worth of equpiment, materials, and miscelanious items.
My heart was absolutely crushed. Lush Bazaar is my dream, a social enterprise to help underpriveleged women and men in India with stable incomes and futures.
This event happened a few days before EID, and unfortunately I had to layoff 5 employees, until I'm able to restock all the equpiment, and items that are gone (That was so hard for me to do). The more time I wait to get all the equpiment, the more time that I will have to layoff my employees and that leads to the possibilty that they will not be able provide for their families this month. Something that I cannot do to my amazing staff.
Our first collection- Summer 2017 launched in May2017, and we recived so much love, and support during our launch. Loosing almost all of our equipment, and materials in less than one month of launchin our first collection was a HUGE HIT to Lush Bazaar. I as a first time business owner, and a social entreprenur was not prepared for this negaticve incident.
Bit there is a silver lining through this whole situation. I realized is that this set back should not stop us, and the mission to empower and inspire through fashion. We will not let this setback hurt us, and it can only mean we go up from here.
These are the items that have been stolen, and the costs of the items.
3 Industrial Sewing Mazhine- $800 each- $2,400
1 Computer & Printer- $1,500
Materials- $500+
1 Wireless Router- $50
Total- $4,450
If we can raise more than $4,450 I will be able to buy cameras, and a better security system for the worskspace that costs around $400.
I will also need to take an unexpected trip to India which will cost around $1,500 for travel expenses.
The Total costs for everything would be $6,350, but what I'm asking for is an amount enough to keep moving forward.
Thank you so much for your kindness, support and love.
Lush Bazaar is not over, we are just getting started.
Timbrel Chyatee
Owner/Designer of Lush Bazaar

Timbrel Adidala
Leola, PA