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”Please help me dedicate my life to helping others”
My nephew,  Luther Wright is from Zambia,  Africa.  Luther is an orphan, hence my determination to bring him here to the United States of America to begin his College Career.  He is currently enrolled at the NorthWest Vista Community College here in San Antonio,  Texas;  pursuing an Associate Degree in Biology/Pre-Nursing.  His long-term goal is to attain a Batchelor’s Degree in Nursing,  with a vision to begin working toward a career in Cardiology.  Luther is an outstanding student,  in the brief time that he has been at College, his professors have expressed their positive feedback toward  his academic ability.  He is an International Student,  and therefore is NOT eligible to receive Federal Grants or Schlorships.  His fees are $5546.00 per semester.  I am able to pay a portion of his fees,  but urgently need  your kind assistance.  If I am unable to pay his fees,  his student visa will be revoked,  and he will have to return to Zambia.    I humbly ask for your kind generosity.  Even the smallest donation would be greatly appreciated.
Roslyn Jeanne Wright-Nathanson



  • Kevin Ayoola
    • $5
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $250 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Luther Angelo Wright
Helotes, TX

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