Luu Family House Fire
On December 25th, 2020, our house was caught on fire. If it wasn’t for my brother Kevin noticing the fire, we wouldn’t have made it out alive. He rushed to go get everyone out of the house as quick as possible. Everyone evacuated out the house and grabbed what we could save. We didn’t know what to think... we were devastated and emotionally distressed. We called the fire department and they came as quickly as they could, but the damage was already done. All of our hard earned work was in that house. We lost all our Christmas gifts and most of our valuables. Our whole 17 years of living in that house, we would’ve never expected this to happen to our family... We are so grateful and thank God that no one was hurt in the fire. We hope to recover from this tragic loss and we thank everyone for keeping us in your well wishes. Thank you to the many Dekalb County firefighters who have risked their lives to put the fire out. We appreciate everyone for taking their time out on Christmas Day to come check on us. We also would greatly appreciate any donations to support us in this difficult time our family is facing. Thank you for hearing our story and helping us out! God bless everyone and Happy Holidays!