Funeral Expenses for LUZ ELENA HERNANDEZ
Tax deductible
On February 10, 2021, the compatriot LUZ ELENA HERNANDEZ, suffered a stroke and died, at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, in New Brunswick. Her body is found in the hospital morgue. Luz Elena, arrived in the United States many years ago and stayed to live in New Jersey with her husband JUAN RODRIGO HINCAPIE GUPACHA.
In May 2019, Mr. JUAN HINCAPIE suffered several strokes and was left in a state of cognitive and physical disability and is at the Madison Center, in Matawan. Mrs. LUZ ELENA saw to the support of the two and, lately due to the pandemic, she only had a part-time for their support.
They lived off the charity of the neighbors. Neither of them was able to regularize their immigration status and they do not have social security nor can they access benefits. The only daughter of her Mrs. Yurani emphasized, lives in Yotoco, Valle del Cauca, and does not have the financial resources to do the necessary procedures after the death of her mother, just as she does not have any possibility of taking care of the father her. She needs the collaboration of the community to be able to cremate her mother and have the ashes sent to Colombia. Any money left over will be going the husband who is still at the Madison Care under care.
Collaboration between Angels For Action and the Colombian Community
For personal checks, please make checks out to:
(if you want to avoid transactions fees)
Angels For Action Inc
209 West 2nd street
Plainfield, NJ 07060
In May 2019, Mr. JUAN HINCAPIE suffered several strokes and was left in a state of cognitive and physical disability and is at the Madison Center, in Matawan. Mrs. LUZ ELENA saw to the support of the two and, lately due to the pandemic, she only had a part-time for their support.
They lived off the charity of the neighbors. Neither of them was able to regularize their immigration status and they do not have social security nor can they access benefits. The only daughter of her Mrs. Yurani emphasized, lives in Yotoco, Valle del Cauca, and does not have the financial resources to do the necessary procedures after the death of her mother, just as she does not have any possibility of taking care of the father her. She needs the collaboration of the community to be able to cremate her mother and have the ashes sent to Colombia. Any money left over will be going the husband who is still at the Madison Care under care.
Collaboration between Angels For Action and the Colombian Community
For personal checks, please make checks out to:
(if you want to avoid transactions fees)
Angels For Action Inc
209 West 2nd street
Plainfield, NJ 07060
Carmen Salavarrieta
Plainfield, NJ
Angels For Action Inc.