Lynn Bowyer - Recovery
Many have followed the updates of my mom and her journey through recovery. We are so thankful for the prayers and caring words from literally around the world. As we get closer to a definite date that she gets to come home, we have looked over some needed adjustments to her house. We will need to add some handrails on the exterior and interior of the house. Because of her current strength and her unknown future health, a new walk-in tub will need to replace the current bathroom. Many know that my parent's primary income comes in the form of my dad and his side jobs.
My mom and dad faithfully serve as pastors of Inner Harbor Church of God and continue this weekly, but my dad usually will supplement the financial needs with work outside of ministry. My dad has been with my mom in the hospital for over 30 days now so the availability to make that extra income has been a challenge.
We as the family are asking if the friends and family from around the world would want to help us raise the funds to do these needed items. My dad will do the labor, so the primary cost would be in supplies. Looking at the situations and needed products. The rough number is around $10,000.00. My dad and sister both have Venmo accounts, but you could also write a check and send it to them, or I. If your church would like to help cover the cost, you could write a check to Inner Harbor Church of God and label it Bath Tub.
I know this may sound begging and I'm sorry for that, but I also know that allowing others to be involved in this will serve as an opportunity for a blessing to all. If you would want to ask me for more details, please do. You can message, call or text me.
Thank you to everyone who has already helped in any way.