Lyuba Savenok: Funeral & Kids Fund
Donation protected
On Saturday May 14th we lost Lyuba Savenok and her unborn son. She was an amazing mother of two beautiful children, a dear daughter to her parents, an amazing sister to her siblings and a faithful friend to many.
She was taken away from us by the hands of her husband Eugene Savenok. Click here to read the report.
We are thankful to have had so many people reach out and ask how they can help. Today we ask everyone to dig deep and donate to this fund right now.
Funds will be used to help with funeral expenses and to help with raising and providing for her son Matthew (4) and daughter Vivienne (3).
We wish to honor Lyuba and her son and bury them in a beautiful place where she may be visited by friends and family. Lyuba's greatest passion in life was to enrich her children's lives. With your help her immediate family will care for Matthew and Vivienne and do everything in their power to set them up for success.
UPDATE: We are honored to have had so much support from so many people in such a short period of time thus far. In order to shepherd your giving well I'd like to provide some information below:
My name is Aleksandr Katane and I am Lyuba Savenok's older brother. I live in Eden Prairie MN just 3 minutes away from Lyuba's house. The funds raised here will be appropriated to meet a few goals. First we wish to use some of the money to help with funeral expenses. While we grieve we are working on organizing a fitting funeral for Lyuba to celebrate her life. The rest of the money will be allocated for Vivienne (3) and Matthew (4). We are working on setting up an approriate fund for them to be used to meet their needs in the future. This fund will continue to grow as we will hold yearly celebrations in honor of Lyuba's life and come together to help the children.
Once Lyuba's funeral is behind us we will set up a memorial website. We want people to know where their gracious donations are going and so we will be disclosing that information there and this GoFundMe page will be linked to that.
Thank you for your donations, thoughts and prayers. Please share this in any way you can.
В субботу, 14 мая мы потеряли Любу Савенок и её неродившегося сыночка. Она была чудесная мать двух детей, драгоценная дочь, замечательная сестра и верная подруга.
Люба была забрана от нас руками её мужа Евгения Савенка. Дополнительная информация здесь.
Мы очень благодарны всем кто выражает свои соболезнования и протягивает руку помощи. Мы хотели бы попросить вашей финансовой помощи.
Финансы будут использованы на похоронные расходы и на помощь Любиным детям - Матфей (4) и Вивиен (3).
Мы хотели бы почтить Любу и её сына, похоронив их в красивом месте где семья и друзья могли бы их посещять. Стремление в жизни Любы были дети и их насыщенная жизнь. С Вашей помощью близкие родственники будут заботиться о Матфее и Вивиен и делать всё в их силе чтоб помочь детям в жизни.
Мы благодарим вас за вашу финансовую поддержку, мысли и молитвы. Поделитесь данной информацией.
She was taken away from us by the hands of her husband Eugene Savenok. Click here to read the report.
We are thankful to have had so many people reach out and ask how they can help. Today we ask everyone to dig deep and donate to this fund right now.
Funds will be used to help with funeral expenses and to help with raising and providing for her son Matthew (4) and daughter Vivienne (3).
We wish to honor Lyuba and her son and bury them in a beautiful place where she may be visited by friends and family. Lyuba's greatest passion in life was to enrich her children's lives. With your help her immediate family will care for Matthew and Vivienne and do everything in their power to set them up for success.
UPDATE: We are honored to have had so much support from so many people in such a short period of time thus far. In order to shepherd your giving well I'd like to provide some information below:
My name is Aleksandr Katane and I am Lyuba Savenok's older brother. I live in Eden Prairie MN just 3 minutes away from Lyuba's house. The funds raised here will be appropriated to meet a few goals. First we wish to use some of the money to help with funeral expenses. While we grieve we are working on organizing a fitting funeral for Lyuba to celebrate her life. The rest of the money will be allocated for Vivienne (3) and Matthew (4). We are working on setting up an approriate fund for them to be used to meet their needs in the future. This fund will continue to grow as we will hold yearly celebrations in honor of Lyuba's life and come together to help the children.
Once Lyuba's funeral is behind us we will set up a memorial website. We want people to know where their gracious donations are going and so we will be disclosing that information there and this GoFundMe page will be linked to that.
Thank you for your donations, thoughts and prayers. Please share this in any way you can.
В субботу, 14 мая мы потеряли Любу Савенок и её неродившегося сыночка. Она была чудесная мать двух детей, драгоценная дочь, замечательная сестра и верная подруга.
Люба была забрана от нас руками её мужа Евгения Савенка. Дополнительная информация здесь.
Мы очень благодарны всем кто выражает свои соболезнования и протягивает руку помощи. Мы хотели бы попросить вашей финансовой помощи.
Финансы будут использованы на похоронные расходы и на помощь Любиным детям - Матфей (4) и Вивиен (3).
Мы хотели бы почтить Любу и её сына, похоронив их в красивом месте где семья и друзья могли бы их посещять. Стремление в жизни Любы были дети и их насыщенная жизнь. С Вашей помощью близкие родственники будут заботиться о Матфее и Вивиен и делать всё в их силе чтоб помочь детям в жизни.
Мы благодарим вас за вашу финансовую поддержку, мысли и молитвы. Поделитесь данной информацией.
Aleksandr Katane
Eden Prairie, MN