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Hersheys surgery fund

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Hi, my name is Alaissa. Hershey is our family dog of 11 years. She is a very energetic, loving & cuddly pup. My family has had Hershey since she was 3 months old.

On Feb 25, I found a spot on Hershey’s right hind leg paw which looked like an infected cyst. She was having difficulty walking around and would weep due to the area being sensitive. I took her to the vet right away to find out her whole right hind leg’s 4th toe has been infected. The doctor is unsure of the diagnosis of the area but we fear it could be a cancer. The doctor gave me the option to do a needle biopsy and send a piece to the lab to see what it is or to surgically amputate the toe completely. Since the surgery will require them to send the sample to the lab, I decided to go with the surgery completely to skip the extra waiting time incase it is something that could metastasize to other areas of her body. Hershey’s surgery will cost about $3000. I do not have her on any pet insurance since she has been as healthy as she could ever be for 11 years. I’ve called multiple insurances and most/all do not cover pre-existing issues. Any donations are appreciated. We are so grateful for you. Hershey is the heart of our family. Thank you for your generosity.


  • Jaela Jinka
    • $15
    • 6 mos
  • Britanna Brown
    • $20
    • 6 mos
  • Carl Modellas
    • $50
    • 6 mos
  • Anonima
    • $15
    • 6 mos
  • Angelina Agosa
    • $20
    • 6 mos


Alaissa Jane Surbano
Renton, WA

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