Help The People Of Haiti
This fundraiser is to assist Haitians with basic necessities to recover from the AUGUST EARTHQUAKE by providing food, clothing, toiletries, rent, school tuition and supplies for the upcoming school year. Due to current events, Haitians face an uncertain future. The government and international community have left Haitians to fend for themselves after social and political upheaval. We are asking you to please support our cause and help Haiti and its people. Some of the people we sponsor have had to resort to sex work to survive, while some of the children do not have a birth certificate, nor do they attend school, and others are starving. Every dollar you contribute makes a difference.
Haiti has been in a state of turmoil long before the president’s assassination on July 7th as a result of the internal displacement of more than 19,000 due to gang violence, increase in kidnappings, the 2010 earthquake, the August 2021 earthquake, epidemics, political corruption, and foreign intervention.
RIO (Rally for the development and social Integration of the Oppressed) was created in February 2020 by two college students, Magella and Beenchell, who are dedicated to helping their fellow Haitians. We hope for a gradual expansion so that we can one day serve the whole nation.
Members of our team living in Haiti will be distributing the funds you’ve given to directly purchase food and other necessities for the people in this picture and many more. We will also send boxes of food and clothes to Haiti in the fall. We appreciate your dedication to supporting Haitians and helping advance our organizations’ mission.
Thank you,
The RIO team
You can also follow our instagram or Facebook page @rioayiti
Feel free to contact us anytime! If you want to join our organization or make recurring donations, you may DM @maagellaa or @mcbeen_
We will be uploading pictures and testimonies on our Instagram page very soon!