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My name is Macaiden Cepeda. I am a 20 year old undergrad at the University of North Texas. I began my medical transition my first year at UNT on March 8, 2018 with only a box full of change and a savings jar one of my close friends had saved up for me. I had no financial contribution from my family and I also didn't have steady income. My individual therapist as well as the staff from the Pride Alliance at UNT helped me find an affordable doctor that would provide hormone replacement therapy (HRT). 
It has been a little over a year now and I am finally look towards getting top surgery to complete my transition. I've spent almost 2 years trying to get my insurance to approve the procedure and they finally did as of May 21, 2018! This brought the out of pocket cost from $5,000+ to $1,620.25! (However, this does not included the $850 deposit and the additional bills for pathology and anesthesia following the surgery). 
I'm trying to have the surgery secured and scheduled before the end of 2019! All I am asking for is for you to give a little today, anything helps! 
Since GoFundMe requires you to create an account with a minimum of a $5 donation I also have CashApp ($MacCepeda) and Venmo (@Mac-Cepeda)! Please consider helping me out today! Love you all!



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Mac Cepeda
San Antonio, TX

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