GoFundME & Madame X to FringeNYC in October
Donation protected

REEKING of INDISCRETION: Madame X's Allerton
at FringeNYC BYOV October 7-21, 2019
at the CHAIN Studio Theatre at 312 West 36th St, 4th Floor NYC
I'm looking for $3,000 to assist me in financing our $5K+ budget to bring Madame X to the Off Off Broadway FringeNYC market. The $ will help pay actor's travel stipends and rental costs on the space. With a 50% return on Box Office sales in a Festival setting, ticket revenues simply cannot make ends meet. However, maybe Madame X will be this year's hit FringeNYC show and make the move to regional theater or even to OFF BWY. Who knows? With the wiles of Madame X working their wicked way....
September 25th is my deadline to complete payment on space rental and no monies are returned from ticket sales until several weeks after FringeNYC. Hence the crunch...
If you contribute to our effort, you will be listed as movers & shakers in the program of REEKING of INDISCRETION: Madame X's Allerton and also in its dedication once it is published. You'll know you are part of the history being portrayed. What say you? Put Madame X on stage so she can tell her 100 year old story...
What is Madame X's story? Reeking of Indiscretion? She said it herself.... Was She?
The Chicago Tribune’s Madame X, society doyenne Caroline Kirkland (1865-1930) declared Robert Allerton (1873–1964) Chicago’s most eligible bachelor in 1906. His personal relationship with Caroline Kirkland, both in high society & everyday life, & his intimate relationship with John Wyatt Gregg (1899-1986), his longtime companion, adopted-as-an-adult son, are best imagined by inventing what their correspondence might have been. An epistolary intrigue of historical truth, fiction & LGBTQ issues.
Take a visit to Allerton Park in the video below where much of the story takes place. Go ahead.... click there...
ALLERTON Park, Monticello, IL - Home of Robert Allerton
Now you've seen the world of Madame X and Robert Allerton help us send them along with John Gregg to the intimate, newly refashioned CHAIN Studio Theatre in Midtown Manhattan. They'll tell their story there without aid of helicopters, dancing cats, turntables or hydraulic lifts. Simply three actors telling a great story.
Maybe you might even talk to her about the rights to her story and be the one who single handedly moves her on to the next level. But that's another story, never mind, anyway. Let's just get Madame X on stage this October and then we can talk about where we want her to go from there...
Thanks for your continuing support...
Patrick Thomas McCarthy ptmc
REEKING of INDISCRETION: Madame X's Allerton
will play...
Mon Oct 7 at 8:30pm
Wed Oct 9 at 8:30pm
Sat Oct 12 at 8:30pm
Sun Oct 13 at 1pm
Mon Oct 14 at 8:30pm
Wed Oct 16 at 8:30pm
Fri Oct 18 at 8:30pm
Sat Oct 19 at 1pm
Sun Oct 20 at 1pm
Mon Oct 21 at 8:30pm
Tickets $20 starting Sept 17th at Eventbrite
Come up the the 4th Floor at the
Chain Studio Theatre 312 W. 36th St, NYC
and see the Madame sometime...
Click below... for more Madame X
PINTEREST Madame X's Allerton


Patrick McCarthy
New York, NY