Support Madeline Brame, Victims' Rights Advocate
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Hello All,
My name is Madeline Brame. Some of you may already know me, and some may not. I will start by sharing the story of my son, Sgt. Hason Correa. Hason was a War Retired Veteran who was brutally and savagely attacked and stabbed to death by four people, whom he did not know, nor to whom he had done any harm, on the streets of Harlem, NY, in 2018. Sgt. Hason survived the bloody and deadly battlefield of Kandahar by receiving and returning enemy fire on the Taliban, as well as two or more kills of the bad guys, only to return to NYC and be murdered in the streets like an animal.
The case has been ongoing for four years, with two of the four defendants having both murder and gang assault charges completely dropped by DA Alvin Bragg. One defendant pleaded guilty to “Assault with a shoe” and was sentenced to “Time Served” after only serving 14 months and being released on bail reform. The entire murder is captured on video, which has been a long, harrowing, torturous and traumatizing ordeal for me, my grandchildren, and my entire family. Sgt. Hason’s brutal murder and the complete disregard for Victims' Rights, and their surviving families, from the NYS Court System keep me fighting for justice for my son. Hason’s murder propelled me to fight for ALL Crime Victims’ Rights. As a mother, I am now the voice for the voiceless. I will not remain quiet!
I am proud of my work as Chairwoman of the Victims Rights Reform Council. VictimsRightsReformCouncil.org
One of the defendants involved in my son’s murder is free to walk the streets of New York. Free to kill again. I have already received harassing and stalking messages on social media from other family members of those involved in my son’s murder. Every day, I take a severe risk of being attacked or witnessing someone else being attacked. My grandchildren, Sgt. Hason's children, are terrified to come visit me in my current neighborhood because they are afraid “The bad lady is going to come to kill them.”
After years of applying for housing through the NYC connect website, I finally received a call for a new apartment outside of the city in a nice, new, 55+ community with security and a safer commute to work in the city every day. I am currently riding the “deathtrap” subways to and from work, with no alternatives. Not to mention the black mold, mildew, toxic fumes from rotting sewer pipes, and dust I am currently inhaling daily in my current living situation.
I am asking for support from the public to help me raise $3,000, so I can comfortably and safely move into my new apartment. I will need one month's rent and one month's security, moving fees, utility turn-on fees, and furnishing for the apartment. I currently don’t have a vehicle and will need transportation for when my grandchildren can finally come to visit me. Having a small car will allow me to continue the vital work of Victims' Advocacy throughout the nation.
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Victims Rights Reform Council
New York, NY