Photo principale de la cagnotte

MadGroup Winter Tour to Vienna

Don protégé
We are the St. Andrews Madrigal Group, a passionate, student-led choir that has been fa-la-la-ing since 1946. This year, we’re excited to announce that our annual winter tour in January will take us to the heart of classical music, Vienna!

As a self-funded ensemble, we rely entirely on donations and concert revenue to perform in these incredible places. Any donations will help cover essential costs such as flights, accommodation and venue fees.

By supporting us, you will be helping to preserve an almost 80-year-old legacy and promote classical music amongst students. Every donation, no matter the size, is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Je soutiens


  • Manfred Muellner
    • 40 £
    • 2 mois
  • Anonyme
    • 30 £
    • 2 mois
  • Pauline Smith
    • 20 £
    • 2 mois
  • Alastair Stewart
    • 50 £
    • 2 mois
  • Teresa Inman
    • 20 £
    • 2 mois
Je soutiens


St Andrews Madrigal Group

Votre plateforme d'entraide à la fois conviviale, efficace et sécurisée

  • Conviviale

    Le processus de don est rapide et convivial.

  • Efficace

    Soutenez directement les personnes et les causes qui vous tiennent à cœur.

  • Sécurisée

    Votre don est protégé par la Garantie des dons GoFundMe