Maguire Family Care
Berklee's Service: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChkpyTUSiDP62hSo1yJvFFQ/featured
Berklee's Celebration Video: https://youtu.be/MuvLm9O9F58
News9 story by Robin Marsh: https://www.news9.com/story/5fb7415294d7b521a6254ead/local-family-stands-on-faith-in-wake-of-deadly-home-explosion
At approximately 7:00 AM on September 24, 2020, the Maguire Family suffered unimaginable loss when their entire home exploded and was leveled to the ground. They lost their beautiful daughter, Berklee, who just celebrated her 14th birthday. The parents, Shawn and Tanda, and their 12 year old son, Hayden, survived with serious injuries. Let us shower them with love and prayers as they begin to rebuild their lives!
Thank you!
It's been truly amazing and humbling to see such an outpouring of generosity and love through the body of Christ. Please continue to share this page and offer financial support, as this is still their greatest need. If you want to do more, please send grocery store and restaurant gift cards to:
Maguire Family ℅ Sheri Yates
3126 S. Blvd
PMB 312
Edmond, OK 73013
*Please note that all content and updates added to the Maguire Family Care gofundme page, including copy, videos and photos, are available for media usage. We plan to begin providing weekly updates very soon.