Let ART be our storyteller for #MahsaAmini
Tax deductible
Let ART be our storyteller and deliver our voices to the community at large. Support our art-based expression to raise awareness and global solidarity for the cause of #MahsaAmini, in the spirit of #WomanLifeFreedom.
With your financial support ($50, 100, 500, 1000 or your choosing), we intend to bring art to local neighborhoods globally, commencing with the San Francisco Bay Area.
Our first two projects are:
Woman Life Freedom Quilt Project
Artists worldwide will submit their 12”x12” artwork, and IWIN will organize and create the large quilts (every 20 panels received) to be exhibited publicly.
Woman Life Freedom Mural Project
Local artists will paint murals around the Bay Area in high-traffic areas.
We believe that both projects will
Raise awareness of the current women-led revolution in Iran
Support art, local artists, grassroots communities
Engage and invite diverse audiences to connect
Dina Asna
Moraga, CA
Iranian Women In Networking