Main Moon Tucker Ga. Mei Ying Chen Burial & Help
On May 11, 2021, the family of Main Moon Chinese Restaurant was shattered. A pressure cooker, in the kitchen, exploded. The force of the blast killed Mei Ying Chen. The family is, of course, devastated. They are now faced with several tasks.
They need to pay a deposit to the funeral home for burial ASAP and subsequently put Mei to rest.
They are now without income until such time as they can rebuild Main Moon (they want to re open).
I spoke, this morning, to Min Lin (the familiar voice that warmly takes your order). She is facing the tasks at hand as best as she can. The families of the various family owned Main Moon Chinese Restaurants are hoping to have the funeral on May 24, 2021. Each store is normally closed on that day so it will be make it easier to.
The funds donated by both our tight knit Tucker, Ga. community and to whoever sees this funds request will be given to Min to try tobury Mei and help keep the family going until they can rebuild Main Moon.
it is my sincere wish that I will increase the amount requested to match the amounts given.
* I was asked by the GoFundMe team to do some clarifying so everyone knows more data. My relationship to Main Moon is I am a customer. I wanted to step forward to assist in raising funds so that Main Moon could provide a proper burial for Mei and help with day to day expenses. The funds will be spent to help bury Mei and help with their day to day costs as they rebuild. 100% of the funds raised, less the GoFundMe fees, will go directly to the family no money is for myself.