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Make Dream Tour

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My name is Kilian Garland and I am a professional surfer and the 2017 WSL North American Pro Champion.

I have dreamed about qualifying for the WSL championship tour my whole life and have been following that dream on very limited sponsorship for the last 6 years. I am the closest that I have ever been to qualifying and need your help to fulfill my dream and land my place on tour. As the North American pro champion I am able to get into the 6,000 and 10,000 events for the first time. My goal is to make the top ten in the WSL World Qualifying Series by December. Your support will go directly towards funding my journey including airfare and entry into the high profile larger point events. I am confident I will be able to translate my success in North America on the global stage and qualify for the dream tour and hope to win my first 3, 6, or 10 thousand event.

I have been self funding each step of the way and currently need to raise money for the next legs of the tour, most immediately Japan and South Africa. This is everything I have worked towards my entire life. With your help I believe I can achieve my goals, and humbly ask for your support. Please go to my gofundme page to donate and for more information on my journey and support needs.

Thank you for the support.
Aloha and Best Regards

Kilian "Kilgar" Garland


  • Jeremiah Grubbs
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Kilian Garland
Santa Barbara, CA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt