Tom's health and cancer journey
Donation protected
Things have happened to me allowing a strange, painful lump to gradually pop out on the back of my right leg. I thought for weeks it was a strange insect bite. But as it's not been going away after weeks and as it's very sore to touch, I got some docs to confirm, it IS a carcinoma, probably basal cell. I am highly confident I can beat this cancer, but I need your help. My P-T job's largest client (which we've had for two years) has cancelled their contract, so the bulk of my income has CEASED. This just happened. (Easter weekend.) If that's not bad enough, THEN I find my "bite" is really a cancer; a double-whammy!
I feel very good about the treatment direction I feel I should take, but the loss of an already-very-low income puts me in a bad bind. What little I have managed to save up is needed to hopefully be enough for normal bills til I get new work. But there's no way I can tackle the cancer TOO. Both are difficult. Will you please help me get through this? The amount I need is for the first 60 days of treatment. That may be all it takes, or that may be the bulk of it. The primary practitioner has already given me a generous discount on everything; the goal amount takes that into account. I need to start treatment right away, so I hope that if you can help with a gift, that you can do so promptly. THANK YOU!
Just so you know, if any extra comes in above the target, that will go for further treatment as needed AND/OR helping me through the difficult time of finding another job or other income. I don't know which is more important, but both are. THANK YOU for your help!
(If you want to learn the things I'll be doing for this, let me know privately.)
UPDATE (6/10/2019): A big THANK YOU to all of you who gave to help me so far! Some of you are friends, some are barely acquainted, and some are even total strangers with a compassionate heart! I am greatly touched by the help from ALL of you! But I should now report where things stand. Most of the initial financial goal ($1425) was to cover the 60 days of the 1ST PHASE of treatment. And that goal has been reached, and with time to spare! I've now been faithful since 4/24 to carry out the extreme daily efforts involved in Phase 1's custom protocols for me. And I can tell my body's making progress, worth the exhausting efforts! June 22nd will be the 60th day of this Phase, so I now have a scheduled full re-evaluation of all organs and glands on June 26th to determine the progress made, and what will be involved in the SECOND phase of treatment. On or shortly after that date, Phase 2 and it's costs will be known. I strongly suspect it will be LESS than Phase 1 has been, maybe even significantly less, but we can't know til the battery of tests are done on 6/26. I will give another update then, as well as augmenting the goal reflecting the need. Just so you know, I AM working hard on increasing my bad income situation, but no major improvement yet. Also, there are numerous people who I have not reached out to for help yet, so I am NOT expecting repeat gifts from any of you who have already given. Again, THANKS to you all who've helped so far!
And here's a FULLER story of the significant progress made so far! The tumor is disappearing! Check out the story on this Facebook page (w/Pictures)!
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UPDATE (6/28/2019): The 60-day re-exam HAPPENED this week, and starts Phase 2. At the Facebook link above, you can see the 60-day Progress Pic! Yes, visually it's a bit better than at day 48. The overall therapy includes both internal and external work. The bulk of the Phase 1 cost has been the internal work, strengthening the particular organs that were weak. I'm so happy that the tumor became weakened enough that the majority of it was KNOCKED OFF accidentally! Rene' has known of cases where it fell off in the patient's hand! But my unusual circumstances didn't allow it to get quite to that point, as you know from the Facebook report. While it's very encouraging to have this much visible progress, to totally eliminate the tumor AND the metabolic dysfunctions that resulted in it, I need to urgently CONTINUE with Phase 2 of the program for it's duration (30 days). Phase 2 has all of it's own dosages, identified by this amazing system of testing. Keep in mind that removing the tumor (via whatever means) by itself does not eliminate the causes. You need fully-strong organ function for that. The internal work HAS been working! But the relevant organs are only partway back to normal. Please consider helping me get through this Phase 2. My income is still not "up" enough to cover both this and my normal, thriftily-spent bills for living. I'm especially asking those who didn't donate earlier. And as before, I am willing to transparently divulge privately how these costs break down. (Phase 2 cost is $485, plus Phase 1 = updated target of $1910.) And just so you know that I'm being very thrifty, I've eaten out only twice since before Easter and both times were under $7. There will likely be a Phase 3, though each additional phase is smaller and smaller. Any gift, no matter how small, HELPS! Thank you!
UPDATE (7/16/2019): I'm badly short $312 to continue Phase 2. Please consider helping if you can and haven't already. Interrupting treatment due to lack of funds might let what cancer is still left, grow back. IF JUST 32 PEOPLE gave $10 each, this would solve the problem. THANK YOU!
UPDATE (7/19/2019): A special THANK YOU to some larger donors for your Phase 2 major help in getting caught up! Just a Benji left and I can finish buying the rest of the Phase 2 materials. If just 10 people gave $10 each, that would make the Benji I need. To be honest, while there IS physical progress, I won't know until these 30 days is up whether there will be a Phase 3.
UPDATE (8/9/2019): I had the 90-day checkup ending Phase 2. PROGRESS! Please see the 2-part picture on Facebook. Click this link, then below my comment that you see, click the "30 Replies" link that expands the full sub-thread. Scroll to the very bottom where you'll see the new 2-part picture!
Though there is progress, both the pic and the checkup show I'm not done. For Phase 3 (another 30 days), I need $390, please!
ADDITIONAL (optional) INFO: THANK you all who've given so far! I'm a bit disappointed this is not over by now. When QRA is used to restore health to a problem, very often it is (or mostly) done within 3 months. And this tumor was rather small, so I had hoped that 60 or 90 days would be enough. So I asked her about this. She explained that when you're dealing with cancer, that (1) what you can visibly see is often like an iceberg--most of it is unseen; and (2) it shouldn't surprise us that when using the proper nutrients very precisely targeted (even the superb ones we use) it might take 4 or more months. So while I'm encouraged by the slow visual progress, my income is still struggling to become "normal" again, so I can't proceed unaided. I hadn't wanted to ask for help for a Phase 3, but if you all will be patient with me, I will diligently pursue this with SUCCESS (being greatly encouraged by the success so far)! Again, here is the picture thread:
MORE about the $390 for Phase 3: This is less than the $485 needed for Phase 2. The 90-day checkup, to my disappointment, revealed that the same dosages were needed by each organ affected. (Kidney, thymus, liver and adrenals and a couple more.) This doesn't mean the organs have not been functioning better from the prior dosages. Proof of that is in the picture! It just means they still need this support to fight the cancer AND to fully regain their normal healthy function so no cancer comes back. But I was able to get the amount lower in two ways: (1) This time I carefully took into account any leftovers from before. (2) There were actually a couple more health problems uncovered needing support (eyes and bladder). But because those issues are not cancer-related, I left them out of the budget. (I'll tackle them later, on my own when I can afford to.) I'm working hard on this many hours every week, and to fix my income situation, which was already bad before, but made worse by the Easter work loss.
UPDATE (8/23/2019): On 8/12 I posted this campaign on Facebook again adding "If just 39 people gave only $10, I could fully continue in Phase 3. I have to partially cease treatment until it comes in." Then on 8/19 I posted again saying, "If just 29 people gave only $10 each, I could fully continue in Phase 3. Please consider being one of those 29." How did it get from 39 to 29? Did 10 people give $10 each? No, and it is kind of amazing.
I know an excellent doctor in Alaska, a chiropracter who also greatly embraces other natural health modalities. I met him several years ago through an online forum for natural doctors of which I was an honorary member due to my role (then) as a lay-educator of QRA as the means to great health. Dr. X (as I'll call him) has taken the same training in Quantum Reflex Analysis that my own practitioner has. He is very familiar with the amazing quantum physics tools used to effect the great progress I've had so far, because HE uses the same amazing tools in his own practice! So when he saw I was running short, and knowing how powerful these biological tools are to bring radical healing, he played the role of TEN people and gave $100! Thank you, Dr. X, for your generosity, AND the mutual sharing of the joy of healing as you are helping your OWN patients up there in AK, while financially helping ME to get the same for myself down here in Florida!
So in one act, he brought the need for $10 donors down from 39 to 29. A local engineering friend just gave double, so now the need is for just 27 people at $10 each. Will YOU join in the blessing of knowing that your gift will help carry out a confident elimination of cancer here? But also, I will be using the story of this debacle in my life to bless and encourage others in the years to come.
And if more comes in than what is needed, surely I'll use the excess for a small Phase 4 IF there is one. And if not, the last exam revealed some additional problems we CAN work on, including reversing the cataracts I've had for 4 years, and reversing a bladder problem that's been subtly plaguing me for over 55 years. I didn't include those tools in the budget as they are not cancer-related and not urgent. (But I surely wouldn't mind tackling them!)
Tom Cook
Winter Springs, FL