Make up for lost wages due to 6 yrs of harassment
Donation protected
Hi. I'm Ron Corbin, aka NEGZ.
Since 2018 I've been the victim of a non stop harassment campaign that started after my sons passing on November 3rd 2017.
There are a group of people who defame, harass and use the police and CPS to harass me. I was a single dad until recently, and this group of people have managed to make me lose multiple platforms I was paying my bills with. They have dragged me into court under false pretenses (all cases dropped), have contacted my mother, posted her home address and phone # on twitter to harass us. Have made violent threats and continue to do so as I type this.
The $38,000 mark is what I consider to be a fair amount they cost me they false reported my income streams for violations.
Multiple people involved in this have created GFM to mock me and get 1000s of dollars. I shared 1 gfm in 2107 and it was for my sons funeral. Which they accused me of stealing from when I had NO access to it. They have called the funeral home that performed his ceremony, they've called family members to harass them, and it just never ends.
Just maybe if I could recoup what they cost me, I can afford legal representation to help further secure my family and businesses security. As of now, we are struggling. I just received a diagnosis of bipolar 1, severe depression and PTSD. Thus making it hard for me to do a lot of things I used to love doing.
I appreciate anything you can do to help. It will all be used for my 14 yr old son, whom they've targeted with abuse as well. (Police are involved)
Thank you for time and consideration.
Edit: thanks to everyone who has donated. These funds will be put to good use and always for good. The story of this harassment and "cyber stalking" will be told in a documentary. It's being produced to be an educational tool to for law enforcement and average people. I've never seen depravity like I have in these "Gang communities" online.
This will stay up as long as it takes to raise every dime. It could be 1 month, 1 yr, forever. It's about sending a message.
Stay safe.


Ron Corbin
Connersville, IN