Make Waves for Winni
In September of 2020, Alexis Wallace, grandmother of 6, completed her 1st Annual FOLA (Fat Old Lady Athlete) swim. She completed a two-mile swim from Keewaydin Point to Cary Beach in Wolfeboro. This August, Alexis upped her game and tackled a 2.5-mile swim along Rattlesnake Island. Alexis is swimming to raise awareness of lake issues and to support the work of the Lake Winnipesaukee Association.
“I am at an age where I care deeply about future generations”, stated Alexis. “This is our family's 74th year on the lake. Currently the fifth generation of our family is enjoying Lake Winnipesaukee, and we want to make sure that the lake quality stays pristine for our children and grandchildren.”
Help Alexis Wallace meet her fundraising goal by donating at the link below. The proceeds raised will go to help keep Lake Winnipesaukee clean. LWA works to protect the lake through monitoring, education, science and restoration.
Check out Alexis’ featured article in The Laker too!
For more information on the work of the Lake Winnipesaukee Association, please email us at [email redacted] or call us at [phone redacted].