Make America Laugh Again
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On April 1st, The Florida Times-Union published a letter to the editor by me . In it, I made the case that it’s time to Make America Laugh Again. Here’s the letter.
“Many Americans have lost their sense of humor. We no longer laugh as we once did. Candidates have been getting meaner and the jokes have been getting uglier. However, we can Make America Laugh Again. Not with insults to belittle one another, but with kinder gentler jokes.
“In regard to healthcare, laughter is not only the best medicine. It’s also our least costly healthcare option. With my Haha Health Program, Comedy Practitioners will be able to prescribe jokes that heal instead of expensive drugs. Consumers are going to see tremendous savings!

“During this campaign, I will not insult other candidates for cheap laughs. For example, I will not mention that one Presidential candidate’s hair defies the law of gravity and does not appear to be of this world. Nor will I refer to another candidate as Our Lady of Whitewater. Nor will I make fun of the fact that she spends $600 to get her hair done. People may not realize that it takes a village to do her hair. Nor will I point out that another candidate has earned recognition as the Senator least likely to have a friend. I will not stoop to the level of such jokes. They are beneath the dignity of American voters.
“I envision an America with a thousand points of laughter, all over this great land of ours. This laugh is your laugh, this laugh is my laugh. Life, liberty, and laughter - these are the values that will bring our country back together. Ask not what your country can do to make you laugh. Ask what you can do to make a fellow American laugh. Give me laughter, or give me death!”

On April 13th, news came out that Ander Crenshaw, who represents Florida’s 4th Congressional District, would not seek reelection. The 4th District covers Jacksonville, Florida, where I live. My April Fools' joke became a dream as I realized that there’s time to actually put together a campaign. The qualification fee to get on the ballot as a candidate with no party affiliation is $6960. If I can raise $5000 through this Go Fund Me campaign, I will then file a Statement of Candidacy as required by the Federal Election Commission. The campaign to Make America Laugh Again will be underway.
So who is Danny Murphy? Just a typical humble American who wants to do his part to Make America Laugh Again. I’m a writer with lots of published clips in newspapers that people may know of and many obscure magazines that few people have heard of. I worked in communications and P.R. for a Jacksonville non-profit for over a decade. I currently write blogs and manage social media for several clients including a leading chiropractor, a nursing registry, and a performing arts center.
I’m the author of Humor 101: How to Tell Jokes for Power, Prestige, Profit, and Personal Fulfillment, which is out of print. However, the ebook is available at Amazon.com, and it’s a really tremendous deal. I’ve written several other really tremendous ebooks including Murphy’s Law Breaker, The Narcissus Code, and Chicken Nuggets for the Soul. Also, I worked with Candace Crush on Facebook Anonymous: A Tale of Addiction. And, by the way, Candace was really sweet and fantastic to work with! All of those books are available at Amazon.com and they're all tremendous deals.
You can see some of my other writings at DannyMurphyAuthor.com . That’s where I blog, mostly about humor and positive thinking. The qualifying period for the election ends on June 24th. I'm trying to raise $5000 of the $6960 qualifying fee by June 23rd. I believe in the power of laughter to heal this nation, and I will be immensely appreciative of your support in this endeavor. Let’s Make America Laugh Again!

Danny Murphy
Jacksonville, FL