Giving this perfect girl the send off she deserves
Donation protected
The money raised was not able to be used for Lyndsey’s bucket list as she deteriorated quickly that what we ever thought!! If it is ok with everyone, I’d like to use the money to give Lyndsey the send off she truly deserves.
She was an inspiration to us all and just an asking person who had to leave this world early for reasons we will never know
I haven’t changed the wording below, so please feel free to have a read about what Lyndsey went through
So… as a lot of people are aware and would of seen on Facebook and seen us in person, my amazing, beautiful, strong and inspirational twin sister has terminal cancer, a rare cancer called neuroendocrine and it’s ripped our family apart!
Lyndsey has been battling for the past 2 years and we believed that chemo would have some effect and allow her to live a happy and healthy life for a fair few years, but at the last consultation, we was told that this is not the case. This news was the worse day of our lives and seeing the upset in Lyndsey’s eyes will live with me forever.
Lyndsey struggles daily and at the moment is stuck in hospital having to have her lung drained :( Living with Lyndsey and seeing her struggle breaks my heart day after day! We are soooo close and I honestly can not imagine my life without her! My womb mate!!
Once Lyndsey is out of hospital, I want to be able to make memories with her and for Lyndsey to make memories with her family and friends and not have to worry about money. Having cancer has left Lyndsey unable to work and money has always been a worry for us both since this s**t disease took hold of her and Lyndsey HATES not working.
Asking people for help is something that I would never dream of doing as It makes me feel like a failure, but this is not for me. It’s for a girl that does not deserve this, not one bit!!!!
I love her more than life itself and I wish I could take this away from her and go back to how life use to be. It’s hard, it’s heart breaking to watch Lyndsey suffering and know that she is in constant pain and discomfort and she should not be! She is 35!!! That’s no age
I am running the Great North Run for Lyndsey on September 11th 2022, if anyone would like to run with me, please enter the ballot ASAP.
Love sent to you all x x
Leanne Allen