Making Sand Wash Basin Self-Sustaining
Tax deductible
In June of 2023 Colorado Governor Polis signed Senate Bill 23-275, the Colorado Wild Horse Project bill. Within that bill each Colorado Herd Management Area was giving funds for fertility control and range improvements. Wild Horse Warriors for Sand Wash Basin received over$94,000. This amount was based on estimates that we had given the State on projects we would like to complete.
Wild Horse Warriors for Sand Wash Basin was awarded $94,705 from Senate Bill 23-275.
The Senate Bill appropriated these funds to be paid through the Colorado Department of Agriculture with the projects being completed by July of 2025.
Our original request included funds for an additional Kiosk and additional signage in Sand Wash Basin. When the final updated bids were received these projects were put on hold. Wild Horse Warriors felt it was more important to make improvements to the water sources.
In November we completed the final project at SheepPen Pond.
The final project costs were:
Coffeepot Springs $34,824
Sheepherder Springs $34,824
SheepPen Pond $60,475
Totaling 111,684.00
Wild Horse Warriors paid the additional $16,000 from your donations THANK YOU
Your donations have helped us complete many projects for a healthier range for wild horses. Younk you, without your donations done of the previous projects would have been possible.
If you would like to help us continue our efforts to make Sand Wash Basin self-sustaining, please donate.
You may also mail a check to:
The Community Foundation of Northwest of Colorado PO Box 653, Craig CO 81626
The Community Foundation is our fiscal agent. Please mark your checks WHW.
Thank you.
Cindy Harms Wright
Hayden, CO
Community Foundation of Northwest Colorado