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Making Baby Tran: IVF 4 Aubrey&Nam

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My name is Sarah Pemble, and I am a longtime Scripps Poway Gymboree parent; our twin boys went through the Gymboree program and loved it, and now we have enrolled our daughter and she loves it just like her brothers did.  As a family, we love Gymboree.  It is a beautiful place where parents and children can go and play together, sing songs, learn new things, and meet other families.  I will always feel glad that I chose to enroll my children in the program.  The Scripps Poway Gymboree is truly a community and I have made close friends as a result of taking my kids there. I have also been fortunate enough to befriend Aubrey Tran, who teaches classes there and is also the manager.  She has taught all of my kids and she is a natural teacher: patient, warm, welcoming, nurturing, and kind.  She always makes parents feel welcome and comfortable and she effortlessly remembers all the babies’ names and details about their personalities. I know I am not alone in realizing how special Ms. Aubrey is. [Below the photos on this campaign description page, you can read stories written by Scripps Poway Gymboree moms/families whose lives have been touched by Ms. Aubrey. :)]

As Aubrey and I have gotten to know each other better, she has shared with me and with others that she and her husband, Nam, want to have a baby and are struggling to make that happen.  When I first heard that, it just broke my heart.  Any news of infertility is sad, but the fact that Aubrey, who spends all day everyday playing with and teaching babies and supporting parents, is not able to realize her own dream of becoming a mother is even sadder.  Recently, I decided that I wanted to try to do something to help.

That is what brings us here.  With Aubrey and Nam’s permission, I have started this online fundraiser on their behalf to help them raise money to pay for further fertility treatments, after numerous unsuccessful attempts to conceive.  Please read below to hear more about their story and to hear about all that they have done to try to bring Baby Tran into the world.

 Aubrey and Nam have been working really hard to become parents.  They were married in the summer of 2013 and about six months after their wedding, they decided they wanted to starting trying for a baby.  After six more months with no success, they both felt that something was wrong, so they decided to pursue testing to find out if there was a medical explanation for why they hadn’t been able to conceive.  The only type of testing they could afford at that time was male fertility testing, so Nam was tested and the tests revealed that he has male factor infertility.  Upon hearing this news, Aubrey and Nam were referred to the San Diego Fertility Center so that they could discuss their options with the specialists there.  Soon after, Aubrey was exhaustively tested: blood tests, ultrasounds, and various medical procedures (some of which were invasive and quite painful) ensued.  Though there was partial insurance coverage, it was still an extremely costly pursuit of answers.  All of Aubrey’s tests came back normal, leading the doctors there to proclaim that Aubrey was an ideal candidate for fertility treatment.

 Soon thereafter, Aubrey and Nam began the IUI (intrauterine insemination) process.  After three unsuccessful IUIs, their doctor recommended further testing and IVF (in vitro fertilization).  While Aubrey and Nam have health insurance, their coverage for IVF is limited.  When they first began IVF, they paid over $10,000 out of pocket to get the process started.

 In August of 2015, Aubrey and Nam began the IVF process.  After egg retrieval, they learned that there were 8 viable embryos available for transfer.  2 of those 8 embryos unfortunately did not survive after being frozen, leaving 6 embryos left.  The first transfer (of 2 embryos) resulted in pregnancy, and Aubrey and Nam were elated.  However, that pregnancy sadly resulted in miscarriage when Aubrey was 5 weeks, 6 days along.  After that first miscarriage, their doctor recommended that Aubrey undergo a hysteroscopy. The surgery revealed nothing abnormal and led doctors to believe the loss was just “bad luck.” Their second IVF cycle (also involving the transfer of 2 embryos), in December of 2015, unfortunately did not result in a pregnancy. After this second cycle, Aubrey’s doctor ordered a laparoscopy (another painful surgery for Aubrey and with a difficult recovery) to see if scar tissue or endometriosis could be responsible for their lack of success with IVF.  The laparoscopy did not reveal scar tissue or endometriosis, so the doctor then ordered more blood work.  At this time, Nam and Aubrey discovered important information regarding Aubrey’s fertility struggles: her lab work showed elevated antibodies, elevated killer cells, and evidence of an autoimmune disease known as Hashimoto’s Thyroidism.  Aubrey’s doctor explained that Aubrey’s elevated killer cells and antibodies, coupled with the autoimmune disease, attack the embryos and view them as intruders that don’t belong in her body.

 This information was, of course, crucial to have.  Now Aubrey and Nam had a complete picture of what their challenges are: male infertility, female infertility, and autoimmune disease.  Each of these alone can make it difficult or impossible for a couple to conceive, and combined together, the likelihood is even slimmer, less than 3%, to be exact.  With only two viable embryos left, it was time to try the third IVF cycle, and this time, Aubrey, Nam, and their doctor had a new plan.  They called it the “Kitchen Sink” cycle and vowed to do everything they could possibly think of to maximize the chances of Aubrey getting pregnant and then staying pregnant.  This includes: dietary changes thought to help alleviate inflammation caused by Hashimoto’s (Aubrey eliminated gluten, dairy, and nightshades entirely and severely limited her carb and sugar intake), acupuncture (costly and not covered by insurance), herbal supplements recommended by the acupuncturist, daily Lovenox injections (a blood thinner thought to help reduce the risk of miscarriage), a daily baby aspirin tablet (also thought to help reduce risk of miscarriage), supplemental progesterone injections (painful), and a costly intralipid infusion (designed to latch onto the killer cells and slow them down/prevent them from attacking the embryo).  IVF cycle 3 was also a “natural” cycle, meaning that Aubrey’s doctor did not use hormones to regulate Aubrey’s cycle and performed about a dozen ultrasounds (expensive) to ascertain when she would ovulate.  Happily, the third cycle of IVF resulted in pregnancy.  Aubrey and Nam saw their baby on an ultrasound at 6 weeks, at 7 weeks, and at one day shy of 9 weeks. During those first two ultrasounds, they experienced the thrill of seeing and hearing their baby’s heartbeat, and they saw Baby moving on the ultrasound screen.  However, at that third ultrasound appointment, they were shocked and devastated to learn that their baby no longer had a heartbeat.  Aubrey’s D&C was scheduled for soon after and post-D&C genetic testing revealed that the baby girl had Turner’s Syndrome, a rare and serious chromosomal abnormality that almost always results in miscarriage or stillbirth.  In light of this information, it appears that the measures taken as part of the “Kitchen Sink” approach might just be the answer, provided that the embryo that is transferred is chromosomally normal and healthy. Aubrey and Nam are still recovering emotionally, physically and financially from all that occurred through their most recent pregnancy.

 At this point, there are no more embryos from the first egg retrieval left to transfer. Aubrey and Nam have paid over $25,000 so far, which includes all three IUIs, all three IVF cycles, 4 total surgeries, costly medications, numerous blood draws in the lab, anesthesiologists, and hospital visits.  They have paid this money gladly, as they want so badly to realize their dream of becoming parents.  However, the reality is that right now they cannot afford to start this process over.

 This is where you come in.  If you love Gymboree and feel that Ms. Aubrey has made a difference in your family’s life, please consider helping!  Any donation, regardless of the amount, can help Nam and Aubrey reach their goal of $25,000, which would recoup what they have already spent and make them debt-free as they start their next round of IVF.  Since Aubrey unfortunately has a lower-than-average egg reserve, Aubrey and Nam do not have the luxury of waiting a few years to save money before trying another round of IVF.  The time is now, and we are hoping that the community of Gymboree parents, who are lucky enough to be experiencing the joys and magic of parenthood, will rally around Ms. Aubrey and Nam and help them realize that dream, too.

Here is their plan:
Do everything they can to consolidate cost on their own to save as much money as they can. Create this online fundraiser through Save/raise as much money as possible to pay off current debt and start a new round of IVF without already owing $25,000.  Repeat the “Kitchen Sink” approach with a few key differences: increase the Lovenox, increase the intralipid infusions, and bring in a naturopathic doctor who specializes in reproduction and immune problems and who can work in conjunction with Aubrey and Nam’s fertility specialist at the San Diego Fertility Center.  Last but not least, Aubrey and Nam will have their next embryos genetically tested to ensure that each embryo is free from chromosomal abnormalities before transfer. They anticipate that this next IVF cycle will cost them about $24,000, as long as it works the first time. This would mean that they will have spent a minimum of $49,000 to become parents.

 Please consider helping Aubrey and Nam so that they can experience firsthand the joys of parenthood.  All proceeds raised for this fundraiser will go directly to Aubrey and Nam Tran. If you are interested in helping to spread the word about this online fundraiser, please consider sharing this link ( with your email contacts and on your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter accounts.

 Any questions about the details of the fundraiser? Have other fundraising ideas or ways you feel you can help? Please email me by clicking on the GoFundMe email link.

If you would like to read about Aubrey and Nam’s journey in Aubrey’s words, follow them on Instagram @makingbabytran.

Ms. Aubrey doing bubble time while teaching a Gymboree class.

Ms. Aubrey sharing a special moment with a little one and with Gymbo, the Gymboree mascot.

Aubrey and Nam before one of Aubrey's many medical procedures.

Elated and with ultrasound photos!

255 syringes, all used for injections from the IVF process.

All of Aubrey's medications for the IVF process.

Some more great photos of Ms. Aubrey and her students:

Scripps Poway Gymboree Family Testimonials:

“I started my first child at Gymboree when she was only six weeks old in 2011. Aubrey was our main teacher and continued to be our main teacher as we continued at Gymboree until my daughter was two. When I think of Gymboree I think of Aubrey. She was always a joy to see with her warm personality and beautiful smile (and singing voice). I loved going to Gymboree as a first time mom to learn different techniques on helping my child develop. Aubrey made this a wonderful experience. I know GOD has a plan for all of us and I really hope he will bless her with a child. She is a wonderful teacher and I think a child would be so lucky to have her as a mom.” 
-Joany Crawford Dailey 

"I was first introduced to Aubrey in 2012 when my then 18 month old son began to attend the Scripps Poway Gymboree. He had an instant connection with Aubrey. Her sparkling personality and genuine love for the children that she works with is always incredible to see. Both my son and daughter have been in her classes for over 4 years now and have grown to love and adore
Miss Aubrey. They often talk to me about how much they miss her when they're not in class, and I love overhearing their conversations with each other about "Mrs Aubs!" I've never met anyone who cares so much for other people's children in the way that she does. It is heartbreaking that Aubrey has struggled so hard to have a baby and start a family of her own. I personally don't know of a more deserving couple to be able to grow, raise, love and protect a child more than Aubrey and Nam, and am very hopeful that this fundraiser will help answer their prayers."
-Jackie Zellmann

"Aubrey was Luke's very first teacher, ever. She holds a special place in our heart and in the heart of every child she meets."
-Christi Dali

" We loved every moment that were able to spend at Gymboree with Miss Aubrey. She is one of our most favored and treasured teachers and I always think of her tenderness, happy smile and loving spirit towards everyone she ever interacts with. She showed so much kindness and encouragement to both Annika and Ryker. To learn about her journey to becoming a parent along with her husband is truly breaking my heart."
-Scarlett Collins

"Miss Aubrey has been Tyler's gymboree teacher for the last year and we have loved her from the minute we met her! She is amazing with children and is going to make the best mommy one day!"
-Gina Tucker 

"Aubrey is one of the most genuine, caring, and hard working people I know, who will make an amazing mommy someday.. She and her husband Nam both have the qualities and desire to become the most wonderful parents, and it literally breaks my heart to see them struggle with infertility.
We have had the privilege of knowing Aubrey since Claire was 6 months old, as she was her very first teacher (and manager) at Gymboree Play & Music. Claire and Marc both immediately developed a special bond with Ms. Aubrey because she is SO wonderful with children, and they naturally gravitated towards her gentle spirit.. When I returned to work, Aubrey watched Claire and Marc every Monday for 2 years, and she cared for Julia one day a week from the time she was only 3 months old. Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't trust very many people with my children, but Aubrey was so amazing with my kids and became like family to us. Claire and Marc even got to be the flower girl and ring bearer at their wedding."
-Catherine Reifeiss

"Ms. Aubrey is an amazing person and one of Bradley's favorite teachers at Gymboree."
-Kerri Berger

"Gwynn's favorite Gymboree teacher is the most patient, and kind woman I've met. I give her the credit for helping our daughter be as amazing as she is. Please help her dreams come true. She would be the most incredible mother."
-Diana Owens 

"Ms. Aubrey is Jackson's favorite teacher at gymboree. Since day 1, Jackson has been drawn to her-- smiling at her, laughing at her, staring at her in awe, climbing on her and now crawling towards her whenever he sees her kind and gentle face. This is all because Ms. Aubrey is patient, sweet and nurturing and always does her best to make each child feel loved and special. I cannot think of anyone who deserves to be a parent more than Ms Aubrey. Every little bit helps."
-Jessica Erle

"Becoming baby EZ's mummy has been the best and most rewarding gift I've ever received. We went through a bit of a struggle to get him here, so I can only try to imagine the struggle so many couples go through.
Ms. Aubrey is not only Ethan's (favorite) gymboree teacher but has also become a friend. She is so loving, patient & gentle with all her babes (& mommas) at gymboree. She will be one of the best mom's out there with all the love she has to give!"
-Bree Howes

"Hi Friends! Aubrey was both our boys teachers at Gymboree and is nothing shy of amazing! She is a natural with children and has always made my boys, as well as all of the other kids she teaches, feel special! My kids adore her!"
-Kristi Bidermann

"We met Ms. Aubrey a year ago when we started gymboree with my twin boys. Being a Gymboree kid myself about 30 years ago, I knew my boys would love it! I also knew all the benefits of being in such an environment and we were not disappointed! From day one, my boys loved it and so did I! We met Ms. Aubrey the first day and I instantly felt how kind, warm, caring and remarkable she was with my boys and all the kids. Ms. Aubrey has a way of making everyone feel special and she has a unique ability to engage everyone in the play and activities. Ms. Aubrey has a way of making you feel comfortable too. This was important to me because at the time I was constantly nervous and uptight having two small babies to care for. Gymboree quickly became a place that I felt good about myself, I felt safe, and felt good about what the boys were learning. A huge part of this was the kindness we felt from Aubrey. About five months into coming to weekly classes, Aubrey and I started talking and she mentioned she was going through IVF. I instantly felt connected with her because, going through IVF myself, we had a lot in common. My heart broke for Aubrey and her husband because I know so badly the pain and hurt she was feeling in wanting a child of her own. To add another layer to it, here was this amazing person who desperately wants to be a mom and she works with kids and babies all day!!! As the months went on, Aubrey and I continued to bond and become closer over the struggle of becoming pregnant. Now that Aubrey and I are friends and I know her story so well, it is even more difficult to hear the heartache she experiences day in and day out. One day during class after Aubrey experienced this last miscarriage, a little boy came up and hugged her and I could not contain my sadness for the situation. I could not look at Aubrey because my sadness was so great for her, but in that moment I knew that Aubrey will be a mom someday. I have so much hope for her and her husband that they will be parents. Also looking at my situation and what we went through, and now having our boys, I continue to have hope for Aubrey. I am so grateful for the people that are willing to help Aubrey because if there is anyone on this earth that deserves to be a mom it is Aubrey!"

"We met Aubrey about 2 years ago when we enrolled our son Zander in Gymboree. He is now 3yrs old and gets excited when I tell him it's Tuesday; in his words..."we go to Gymboree today, I see Miss Aubrey. I say 'good morning Miss Aubrey'" as he's doing a little dance. It has definitely become a family affair now that I have enrolled my daughter Araiya. Let me just say that Aubrey is the most nurturing, child-loving, kind spirited person I know. I truly believe she has found her passion as a teacher. To see her interact with these children is simply amazing. She has a way of connecting and creating a special bond with each individual child. It saddens me to hear about their struggles with infertility. I cannot think of anyone else who is more deserving of experiencing this beautiful gift we call motherhood. "
-Yaritza Paraoan

"My daughter and I started Gymboree class almost 2 years ago. Miss Aubrey was the teacher of our trial lesson, and we loved her since the very beginning! She is so sweet, kind and patient. She cares about every little kid and amazingly, with so many kids in different levels of her classes, she never forget even one single name! She is just full of love!
She has a big heart and a beautiful voice. She always reminds me of Snow White. :) And obviously, kids love her! My daughter was very shy at the beginning, and with Aubrey's kind guidance and encouragement, she made so much progress!
I keep wondering if Aubrey has kids of her own, because if she does, they would be the luckiest to have a mom like her!
With almost 2 years flying by at Gymboree, my daughter is 30 months old now, and Miss Aubrey always performs high quality classes and becomes friends with so many moms and kids (more than she realizes). I never suspected if anything happened to Miss Aubrey because she is always so cheerful and professional, and she always has a beautiful smile on her face! That's why I am so shocked to learn that she and her husband have been struggling so much on the journey of having a baby of their own.
I've been there. The tests and blood draw, the raising our hopes high and got them shattered into tiny pieces. The physical pain and emotional torture. Having kids should be easy and natural, but it's just not the same for everyone. I never have to go that far on this road as Miss Aubrey, so I can hardly imagine the pain she and her husband have been through.
A person so strong and courageous and with so much love for kids deserves a baby of her own. Let us help her and her husband to fulfill that dream!"
-ShanShan Ren

"We were blessed to meet Ms. Aubrey in 2013 when my older son was 9 weeks old. She was kind, sweet and very loving with my son Merrick. He loved being in her level 1 class and enjoyed the special time in class with the other babies and when he received one on one attention from Ms. Aubrey! We truly loved our special time at Gymboree and Ms. Aubrey was a huge part of why we loved it so much. She will always be very special to us. Ms. Aubrey is one of those people that is meant to be a momma!"
-Jennifer Maier

"Aubrey was our nanny for a period of time when we lived in Scripps Ranch and our oldest child, Dylan, was in her wedding. She has a heart of gold and simply amazing with children. She is going to be an amazing mom and I am hopeful that this will definitely help. Dylan absolutely loved spending time with Aubrey and still talks about her all the time. Aubrey is the type of person that can light up a room with her smile and you simply just want to be around her. I wish her and Nam the best of luck on this journey." 
-Sasha Rietti



  • Mary Udesen
    • $40
    • 8 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Sarah Pemble
San Diego, CA
Aubrey Tran

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