Makom Haminhag - A Custom Siddur Platform
Donation protected
We believe that a siddur should be YOUR tool to connect and speak to Hashem.
Using our web platform users will be able to completely design their own prayerbooks, inside and out. By removing the need to pay a designer hundreds of dollars to design a custom book and providing templates, art, and beautiful fonts specifically for this audience; and buying specialized machinery to print one book at a time, we make the process personal and affordable.
Our goal is to make “Some Congregations Say” a thing of the past. To prevent one from having to carry around an extra 50 pages of introduction that they may never read. To put an end to getting lost during Tefillah when the next prayer is not on the next page. A place to create a Siddur that feels purposeful in the hands of those learning its purpose.
Kenny Rub
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Our milestones are as follows:
1. $150,000 Fully functional web software
2. $350,000 Machinery for printing in-house with glued binding. Photo Hardovers. Soft Covers. Benchers.
3. $400,000 Fully custom Leatherette, Canvas Covers.
4. $500,000 Fully sewn books (Sewn books last much much longer, for daily use books like Siddurim.) Extra features: Edge printing, Rounded Corners.
Kenny Rub
Fair Lawn, NJ