Malak and her family to save their lives
Donation protected
Dear compassionate souls,
I come to you with a heavy heart, burdened by the harrowing tale of Malak, a young woman whose life has been shattered by the relentless onslaught of violence in Gaza.
Imagine being Malak, just twenty years old, and having your world torn apart before your eyes. Her home, once a sanctuary, now lies in ruins, destroyed by the bombs of war. Her beloved sister, her pillar of strength, taken from her by the indiscriminate violence of conflict. And her father, a beacon of love and guidance, unjustly ripped away from her by forces beyond her control.
But the devastation doesn’t end there. Malak’s dreams of education, of a better future, have been mercilessly dashed as universities lie in ruins, and hospitals, the bastions of healing, crumble under the weight of relentless airstrikes.
With each passing day, Malak’s hope dims, her spirit wanes under the burden of grief and despair. But amidst the darkness, there is a glimmer of light – the possibility of escape, of finding safety and solace in a world free from the horrors of war.
Your donations can be the lifeline that Malak so desperately needs. With your support, we can help her evacuate Gaza and provide her with the opportunity to rebuild her life. Your generosity can give her access to education, healthcare, and the chance to pursue her dreams once more.
Every dollar you give is a step towards a brighter future for Malak, a testament to the power of compassion and solidarity in the face of adversity.
Please, donate what you can and share Malak’s story far and wide. Together, let us stand with her in solidarity, offering hope and healing in the midst of despair.
Thank you for your kindness, your generosity, and your unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.
With heartfelt gratitude.
كما تعلمون الأوضاع في غزة. أنا وعائلتي كنا من الضحايا التي تعرض بيتهم للقصف وبعض من أفراد العائلة لقوا حتفهم في الجنة ولا أستطيع أن أعيش هكذا فاقدة للأمل والحياة في قطاع غزة المحاصر أنا وعائلتي. كانت لدي العديد من الخطط كانت لدينا حياة وأشياء أخرى نفعلها كما تفعلونها انتم الان. أنا الان انحرمت من ابسط حقوقي. لقد انحرمت من حضن أختي وأخي الدافىء وانحرمت من أن أراهم. أنا اعيش الان على أمل أن تنتهي الحرب، وينتهي الكابوس الأليم. لا اريد ان افقد أملي في الحياة. أنا احب الحياة واتمنى ان اعيش بسلام.
ولسوء الحظ، فقدت افرادا من عائلتي ومنزلي الذي كان يحتوينا وكل ما عملت من أجله في هذه الحرب المسعورة. لقد أنشأت هذه الحملة لمساعدة نفسي على الوقوف على قدمي وبدء حياتي مرة أخرى أنا وعائلتي.
Malak Khadra
Dumfries, VA