Sameer Malim Family Fund
Sameer Malim’s life was suddenly cut short by a massive heart attack on October 4th, 2016.
One day he was a walking, talking, active, breadwinner and rock for his family. The next day he was gone—just like that without any notice! The shock, disbelief, grief, and even a bit of angst at life’s random cruelty was felt by the hundreds of community members who knew Sameer and his family.
Here was an ever-smiling and extremely hardworking man in the prime of his life. Besides working full time as the key sales person at Khabar Magazine, Sameer and his wife were also working hard at their dream of making it in the restaurant business. But it had been a struggle—long hours, working around the clock without breaks, financial constraints. Vacations were unheard of for Sameer. For someone who worked so tirelessly and without any complaints to provide the best for his family, Sameer’s sudden demise has been a shattering tragedy for his coworkers, his community, and most of all, his wife Anisa and their 4 daughters, Shazia, Samra, Sabreen, and Sidra.
Not only did it leave a gaping hole in their lives, but has also been a financial crisis. While our small business is doing all we can to help and sustain them in the short term, these are the times when community and well-wishers can make all the difference! Your thoughts, prayers, and donations for the Malim family can save a family from financial disaster and all the dreams that are squashed with it.
Thank you!