Mali's Haircut for Fritton Owl Sanctuary

I did it!
I visited Fritton Owl Sanctuary for the first time last summer. Meeting all the owls, especially Winston, was the best day of my year. The sanctuary is free to visit, and for just a few pounds you can also hold an owl! When I heard that they needed money or might close, I wanted to help. This is my sponsored haircut, and I also hope to donate my hair to the Little Princess Trust, for children who need wigs.
This is why the sanctuary needs our help:
Fritton Owl Sanctuary is a home to unwanted captive bred owls. It is staffed solely by a dedicated team of volunteers and is funded by donations and the support of the community. They provide educational support to schools and visit residential homes on enrichment visits. They use the owls as tools to educate groups on conservation and environmental issues. They are far more than just a collection of ‘unwanted beautiful birds’.
New Legislation means they need to upgrade 10 enclosures, increasing the height from 8ft to 12ft.
Please help me to raise money for all the owls, from the tiny Little Owls to the enormous Eagle Owls.
Thank you! Mali (age 10)
Mel Sambells
Fritton Owl Sanctuary