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Vår kära Mama Selmira har fortsatt sin resa, nu är hon med sina förfäder och förmödrar. Den resa hon gjorde i Europa i höst blev hennes sista gåva till oss. Att hon medvetet valde att resa och arbeta i Europa de sista månaderna av sitt liv, i stället för att tillbringa tiden hemma med sin familj, säger allt om hennes storhet.
Mama Selmiras död var fridfull men lika anmärkningsvärd och full av budskap som hennes liv. Mama Selmiras hjärta stannade på flygplanet från Europa till Lima – exakt när planet flög över Cruz Muyuna i Amazonas regnskog, platsen där hon föddes.
Att Mama Selmira har varit här är på ett sätt ett mirakel och har varit till så stor hjälp för många, men i historien bakom finns en hård verklighet. Mama Selmira tvingades bort från Cruz Muyuna av illegala krafter som avverkning och illegal gruvbrytning. Därför flyttade hon in till staden Pucallpa, där Richard Aguayo lärde känna henne, vilket gjorde att hon kunde komma till Europa och dela sina kunskaper.
Den regnskog som Mama Selmira tvingades lämna, som paradoxalt nog blev anledningen till att vi i Europa fick ta emot hennes enorma gåvor, kan vi bidra till att bevara. De illegala krafter som körde bort Mama Selmiras familj, kan vi stoppa genom reforestation och preservation.
En grym verklighet, skövlingen av regnskogen, gjorde det möjligt för oss här i Europa att lära känna Mama Selmira. Då är det bästa vi kan göra för att ge en gåva tillbaka en insamling för projektet Mama Selmiras Medicinal Garden.
Mama Selmira 'reforested our hearts'. Låt oss 'reforest the Amazon rainforest'!
Till minne av Mama Selmira kommer Richard och Rodrigo Aguayo tillsammans med Mama Selmiras dotter Monica att starta ett projekt för att
  • köpa upp större områden av mark för reforestation av regnskogen
  • odla medicinalväxter från Amazonas regnskog
  • utbilda människor i städerna att odla dessa växter i sin egen trädgård
  • utbilda människor att lära sig använda dessa växters medicin
På så sätt kommer Mama Selmiras kunskaper att leva vidare och komma fler till hjälp. Projektet kommer att påbörjas på två orter, dels i Pucallpa, där Mama Selmira bodde, dels i Puerto Maldonado, som ligger i södra delen av Peru.
Projektet kommer att ledas av agronomer och startas upp i januari 2022.
Alla pengar från denna insamling betalas ut till Pachamamaschool, Richard och Rodrigo Aguayo.
Ditt bidrag är inte bara en gåva till Mama Selmiras familj utan en investering i kommande generationers arv och allt liv på planeten. Tack för din generositet!
Du väljer själv om du vill vara anonym eller uppge ditt namn i samband med insamlingen. Väljer du att uppge ditt namn kommer vi att överlämna listan med personer som bidragit till Mama Selmiras familj.
Our dear Mama Selmira has continued her journey, she is now with her ancestors. The trip she made to Europe this autumn was her last gift to us. That she consciously chose to travel and work in Europe in the last months of her life, instead of spending time at home with her family, says it all about her greatness.
Mama Selmira's death was peaceful and at the same time as remarkable and full of message as her life. Mama Selmira's heart stopped on the plane from Europe to Lima - just as the plane was flying over Cruz Muyuna in the Amazon rainforest, the place where she was born.
That Mama Selmira has been here with us in Europe is in a way a miracle and has been such a great help to many, but there is a harsh reality behind the story. Mama Selmira was forced from her home in the rainforest by illegal forces such as lodging and illegal mining. Therefore, she moved to the city of Pucallpa, where Richard Aguayo got to know her, and made it possible for her to come to Europe and share her knowledge.
The rainforest that Mama Selmira was forced to leave, which paradoxically became the reason why we in Europe received her enormous gifts, we can help preserve. Through reforestation and preservation we can help to stop the illegal forces that forced Mama Selmira's family away.
A cruel reality, the devastation of the rainforest, made it possible for us here in Europe to get to know Mama Selmira. The best way for us  to give back is a donation for the Mama Selmira's Medicinal Garden project.
Mama Selmira 'reforested our hearts'. Let us reforest the Amazon rainforest !

The best way we can honour the memory of our beloved ancestors is to value, preserve and share their sacred and important wisdom… which has helped us to survive various illnesses and hard times.

Our beloved Amazon Rainforest has given the whole world an enormous number of medicine trees as well as amazing Maestros and Maestras like our beloved and remembered "Mama Selmira", whose great wisdom, love and deep devotion for the medicinal plants and healing songs, the Ikaros, have helped so many people on such a deep level. People who came to her looking for a new, alternative medicine in their lives.

Mama Selmira may have left us physically, but her great legacy is engraved in our hearts. The best way to honour and preserve this extraordinary gift is to help spread her beautiful wisdom and to help the Amazon Natives recover and preserve their trees, plants, roots, flowers and fruits, which are their medicine. Through this extremely important and beautiful act we can enable them to reforest and protect the unique Amazon Rainforest. 

With great joy we present this very important project "The Amazon’s Medicinal Gardens". Our mission is to help all natives of the Amazon, as well as the regular farmers, to create and start their own medicinal gardens on their terraces and green areas. 
Our first step will be to buy two pieces of land each 5 hectares in size (approx.). They must be in suitable areas of the Amazon rainforest with good access to water sources, as we are planning to build a "Forest Nursery" on each one of them. Specialists in reforestation will teach native volunteers how to seed and grow different groups of medicinal plants collected from different parts of the Amazon. These Nurseries will allow us to store, care for, and reproduce important, valuable medicinal plants, herbs, roots, flowers and fruits.

These nurseries will be our main production centres where we will hold seminars. Firstly, specialists and engineers will hold workshops to teach all about the seeding, watering and the protection of different elemental medicinal bushes and herbs. The next step will be to distribute these seedlings to all those natives and settlers who are interested in being part of this great project.

The first of these nurseries will be in Pucallpa, where Mama Selmira lived most of her life and where she did her important healing work. This first nursery will be called Mama Selmira’s Medicinal Garden
The second nursery will be located in Puerto Maldonado, one of the most important Amazon Rainforests in Peru. It is one of the areas that has suffered the most destruction from illegal mining and logging. This second nursery will be called The House of the Jaguar.
We would like to gather together all those people who met Mama Selmira and received the great Maestra’s beautiful healing Ikaros. She was an extraordinary woman and the most sincere of human beings. We invite you to join us in this project that has been the dream of so many Masters Healers from the Amazon Rainforest who remember their sacred trees being cut down and burned and who are deeply sad for their loss. We can still save this Great Green Paradise and the largest Medicinal Garden of our planet.

Together, with prayers, spiritual support and your financial contributions, we will gradually be able to make the changes needed to create these medicinal gardens.

Richard and Rodrigo Aguayo, Pachamamaschool. org
[email redacted]

10 € is approx. 100 SEK
100€ is approx. 1000 SEK
GoFundMe requires the same currency for the fundraising as to the owner of the bank account, for safety reasons. That is the reason the fundraising is in Swedish currency.


  • Anette Stromquist
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    • 2 yrs


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