Mamba's IVDD MRI and Spine Surgery
Donation protected
Mamba is my 7-year-old French Bulldog/best friend/love of my life. She is in extreme spinal pain with suspected IVDD slipped discs and back leg paralysis. She needs an MRI and spine surgery to have any hope of walking again.
I am raising funds for this process as my insurance will not cover this cost. An MRI scan, spine surgery, and rehabilitation will cost in the region of £7000-9000. Times are tough for everyone, and I don't expect people to donate anything. I feel silly even doing this. However, if you are able in any way, even the smallest amount, it will be massively appreciated ❤️ Any shares with friends etc will also be a huge help.
Please cross your fingers for her. Everything is very scary at the moment. She's not long recovered from other life-saving surgery 6 months ago, so she's having a horrendous year. I just want her back home and pain free, living her usual happy wee life.
Much Love,
Caron x
Full transparency with Mamba's bills so far:
£1234.38: Initial emergency out of hours vet hospital stay with x-rays and drip (11th-12th Sep).
£6857.63: Spine surgery (hemilaminectomy and durotomy), 2xMRI scans, high dependency nursing, cathetar, drip/all required meds (12th-20th Sep).
£885: Stroller, wheels, medication, supplements, transport to surgery referral, and items to aid Mamba's care as recommended by vet.
-£900: Paid out by my insurance.
£114: 1st physio/hydrotherapy session.
Chronological updates below:
Sunday 11th September: Mamba started screaming in pain and could not move/stand. I've never heard a dog make the noises she was making. She lay on the ground shaking while I called the emergency vet. I managed to carry her into a taxi to the vet where she was examined and given mega pain meds - all while still screaming in pain and breaking my heart. The x-rays show some abnormalities and damage to certain parts of her vertebrae that are a significant cause for concern. This is likely due to Intervertebral Disc Disease; a degenerative condition that she showed no signs of previously. An MRI is needed to fully understand what’s going on. Mamba currently has paralysis in both back legs and will remain in the vet hospital until she can be transferred to a specialist vet neurologist.
Monday 12th September, 5pm: We have been referred to a specialist vet neurologist in Glasgow tonight. The drive there was rough, Mamba was super distressed. They will carry out an MRI first thing in the morning to gain the necessary information to proceed with surgery on her spine.
Tuesday 13th September, 10am: MRI shows a slipped disc L5-6 and severe inflammation pressing on the spinal cord. Surgery is risky and potentially life-threatening given the inflammation, but the only option now as her pain is unmanageable. She is going straight into surgery today to have around a 60% chance of walking again if successful. Surgery is likely to take most of the day.
UPDATE Tuesday 13th September, 5pm: Mamba was in surgery the whole day. She underwent a hemilaminectomy - this is where the surgeon creates a window in the bony wall of the spinal canal to remove the disc material. They also performed a durotomy, which involves opening the meninges of the spinal cord to release the pressure on the spine.
Mamba had more slipped discs than the MRI initially showed. She is recovering well from the anaesthesia which was always a worry with her being a flat-faced breed. Spine is very bruised. It’s a waiting game at the moment to see if her legs become responsive and if the inflammation spreads. Feel very helpless not being able to see her, but she’s in good hands.
UPDATE Wednesday 14th September, 6pm: Small amount of feeling only in one of her back leg toes. Muscle tone has reduced since yesterday meaning her back legs are really floppy. The bruising and inflammation on the bottom of the spine are now a threat to life if it is Myelomalacia. Mamba is being constantly monitored, and I've been told to prepare for the worst if this travels up the spine.
UPDATE Friday 16th September, 7pm: A second MRI confirmed the malacia has travelled about halfway up the spine. Her back legs are now completely paralysed, as well as both ends incontinent. Vet says it's doubtful either of these functions will return now. I got to visit and spend over an hour with Mamba today - lots of kisses and trying to tell her everything is gonna be okay. She was really anxious, but on strong meds keeping the pain away. Refusing to eat still. Vet says her quality of life now has to be thought about and asked if I wanted to stop things today, but I was unable. She will be monitored in the hospital over the weekend for a last chance to see if the Myelomalacia spreads further, and if she regains any control over her bowels etc.
UPDATE Sunday 18th September, 11am: My wee Mambz is bloody fighting! She finally wants to eat again, so has been taken off the drip and is just receiving oral meds. AND she is consistently responding to sensations in one of her toes! No sign of the malacia spreading any further as of yet. She still has her catheter fitted, but the vet will try to take this out tomorrow and see what's happening. Certainly not out of the woods, but everything feels a bit hopeful again after the past few days of what looked like deterioration. Keeping positive for more good news tomorrow.
UPDATE Monday 19th September, 6pm: MAMBA IS COMING HOME TOMORROW!!! She’s still paralysed with just the wee bit of feeling in her left toe. I was shown tonight how to manually express her bladder. It’s going to be a long road to maybe recovery, maybe not. But we give it our best shot. She came through reception with a sling begrudgingly holding her back legs up. When she saw me her wee front legs started sprinting. Never give up.

UPDATE Thursday 22nd September: Mamba has been home now for 2 days! Lots of cuddles and tears. On strict rest for initially 4 weeks. She's been great and not tried to move from her rest pen area - must be knackered and is definitely happy to be home for some cosy, restful sleep. She keeps checking I'm here and will only settle at night if I sleep above her on the couch, so that's what we've been doing. Poor wee thing was in hospital on her own for 9 nights so no wonder she needs some reassurance.
I've been doing lots of physio with her - no further signs of feeling in her back legs but she does turn to look when I touch particular toes - it's hard to tell. The main thing at the moment is to keep touching her back legs and toes so she knows they're still there. Her physio has said she would be a good candidate for wheels if we eventually choose to go down that path as she's strong up top. My laminate flooring isn't great for grip and encouraging her to sling walk, so I have laid yoga mats/towels everywhere. She will only begin to think about taking a few supported steps with the highest value treat at the end of the mat. The constant toilet situation is a lot for both of us, so we've been trying to find what works best. I'm just thankful she's still here, and I can help her in these ways. One day at a time.
UPDATE Thursday 29th September: Back in Glasgow today for a checkup with the neurologist and to remove Mamba's big line of staples. Think seeing the building will forever flare PTSD for us both. The neurologist is pleased with her progress - muscle tone/ deep pain remains the same as discharge day but thankfully, no deterioration. The chances of her back legs returning are still low, but the slightest bit of hope with the toes having some feeling. We are being referred to a physio in Edinburgh to continue weekly sessions. The blood clot in the base of her spine seems to have gone, and the malacia has stopped spreading as we are now outwith the window for this happening - happy bloody days. The only way this would return now is if she was to slip another disc etc. - no thank you please.
The past week has been tough, but positive. Mamba has always been a dog to just want cuddles/be next to me in the house, so not much has changed in that respect. One thing this ordeal has caused however, is her separation anxiety has gone through the roof. Vets gave me some calming meds to use if she starts stressing out too much and to allow her to continue resting. Got her a stroller to get her from A to B (work, vet appointments etc.), which she of course LOVES - being carted about snoozing with a blanket = 10/10 in her mind. She definitely misses her freedom though. So curious to see how she will react if she gets fitted for wheels in a couple of weeks.
UPDATE Sunday 9th October: First hydrotherapy session earlier this week and the physiotherapist was happy with her in the pool. Her left hind leg was trying to move on its own which is exciting! The right hind leg remains floppy. She is getting better at maneuvering herself around and her upper body has regained some strength - this has brought on Houdini level skills of her getting out of her wee nappies. I’m still paranoid I’m not expressing her bladder properly (which can end up in Mamba getting UTI’s if not emptied properly), but so far so good. Last thing I want is for her to needlessly end up on more meds or cause her further discomfort.
I'm constantly annoying her at home with the physio schedule and leg massages. Mamba is booked in for the next 6 weeks with physio and hydrotherapy so only time will tell. I've been advised to order her wheels and reassured that this is not giving up on her legs. Apparently having wheels can in fact give a lot of dogs motivation and strengthen the legs up. Will also give her some independence again.
UPDATE Tuesday 18th October: Mamba is now able to pull herself into a standing position and stand for 2-3 minutes both at breakfast and dinner time. Her left hind leg bears the weight. Usually knuckled but I correct her feet. She is a lot more confident with her strength now and is learning ways to move around her pen. Proud of my wee puddin!
Caron Dunn